downcast adj. (眼睛)向下看的;唉聲嘆氣的,垂頭喪氣的,萎靡...
adj. (眼睛)向下看的;唉聲嘆氣的,垂頭喪氣的,萎靡不振的,衰頹的。 2.n. 沒落,滅亡;俯視;【地質學;地理學】下落,陷落;【礦物】通風井,下風井。 “downcast air“ 中文翻譯: 進風井氣流“downcast fault“ 中文翻譯: 下落斷層, 向下斷層“downcast header“ 中文翻譯: 下降管聯箱“downcast pipe“ 中文翻譯: 降水管“downcast shaft“ 中文翻譯: 進風井“downcast side“ 中文翻譯: (盤) 斷落側; 下落翼; 陷落側“downcast tube“ 中文翻譯: 下降管立管直澆口“downcast ventilation“ 中文翻譯: 下向通風“downcast ventilator“ 中文翻譯: 吸風機; 吸氣通風筒; 下向通風筒“encapsulate downcast“ 中文翻譯: 封裝向下轉型“be half downcast and half glad“ 中文翻譯: 憂喜參半“combined downcast uptake ventilator“ 中文翻譯: 吸排氣兩用通風機“combined downcast-uptake ventilator“ 中文翻譯: 吸排氣兩用通風機“downcast and uptake ventilator“ 中文翻譯: 下向和上向通風筒吸排氣兩用通風機“downcast pipe (or downcomer)“ 中文翻譯: 降水管,降流管“downcast; dejected; crestfallen“ 中文翻譯: 頹靡“precompetition downcast symptom“ 中文翻譯: 賽前冷癥“downcall“ 中文翻譯: 下呼叫法; 下行調用“downburst“ 中文翻譯: 【氣象學】下向風暴〔指可能危及飛機的急速向下氣流〕。 “downbuilding“ 中文翻譯: 下沉形成說“downbuckling theory“ 中文翻譯: 地殼彎曲說“downbuckling“ 中文翻譯: 地殼下彎
downcome |
To me ? she asked herself , and instantly answered : yes , everything : he alone is dearer to me now than everything in the world . prince andrey approached her with downcast eyes 她問她自己,隨即回答: “對,他是一切。對我來說,在這個世界上只有他一人才是最寶貴的。 ” |
Said denisov , with downcast eyes and a guilty face ; he tried to say more , and stammered . natasha could not see him in such a piteous plight without emotion “伯爵夫人”杰尼索夫開了腔,低垂著眼睛,流露出愧悔的神情,心里還想吐出什么話,但是訥訥不出于口。 |
Psalm 42 : 11 “ why are you downcast , o my soul ? why so disturbed within me ? put your hope in god , for i will yet praise him , my savior and my god . 詩篇42 : 11我的心哪、你為何憂悶、為何在我里面煩躁應當仰望神因我還要稱贊他他是我臉上的光榮、是我的神。 |
Why are you downcast , o my soul ? why so disturbed within me ? put your hope in god , for i will yet praise him , my savior and my god 11我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我里面煩躁?應當仰望神。因我還要稱贊他。他是我臉上的光榮, (原文作幫助) ,是我的神。 |
When kutuzov had left the room , and with downcast head walked across the reception - hall with his heavy , waddling step , a voice stopped him 當庫圖佐夫從書房走出來時,他低著頭,邁著沉重的步子,步履蹣跚,他經過大廳旁邊時,有一個聲音叫住了他。 |
A problem occurred casting the elements of the current collection to the type of the destination array , perhaps as the result of a failed downcast 將當前集合的元素強制轉換為目標數組的類型時發生問題,可能是由于失敗的向下轉換造成的。 |
[ niv ] my god . my soul is downcast within me ; therefore i will remember you from the land of the jordan , the heights of hermon - from mount mizar 我的神啊!我的心在我里面憂悶,所以我從14約但地,從15黑門嶺,從米薩山,記念你。 |
My god . my soul is downcast within me ; therefore i will remember you from the land of the jordan , the heights of hermon - from mount mizar 我的神啊!我的心在我里面憂悶,所以我從14約但地,從15黑門嶺,從米薩山,記念你。 |
I fancied you looked a little downcast when you came in , she ventured to observe , anxious to keep away from the subject of herself “你剛進來的時候,我覺得你情緒不太好似的。 ”她冒昧地問,盡量繞開與自己有關的話題。 |
Balashov remained standing , looking with downcast eyes at napoleons fat legs as they moved to and fro . he tried to avoid his eyes 巴拉瑟夫垂下眼簾站在那兒,看著拿破侖那兩條不停動著的粗腿,盡可能避開他的目光。 |
Sonya , with downcast eyes , listened in silence to the countesss cruel words , and did not understand what was expected of her 索尼婭默默無言,低垂著眼簾,諦聽伯爵夫人的殘酷的話語,她不明白到底對她有什么要求。 |
Much bored by this moral discourse , georges appeared in his mother s presence with heavy heart and downcast head 喬治對這種道德教育很反感,他回到她母親身邊時,憂心忡忡,耷拉著腦袋。 |
He asked them , “ what are you discussing together as you walk along ? “ they stood still , their faces downcast 17耶穌對他們說,你們走路彼此談論的是什么事呢?他們就站住,臉上帶著愁容。 |
He asked them , “ what are you discussing together as you walk along ? “ they stood still , their faces downcast 17耶穌對他們說、你們走路彼此談論的是甚麼事呢他們就站住、臉上帶著愁容。 |
Oh , nothing , answered pierre , with his eyes still downcast , and no change in the expression of his dreamy face “ mais rein ”皮埃爾回答,依然沒有抬起頭來,也沒改變沉思的面部表情。 |
So i left . the evening before , i had found marguerite downcast ; now i found her feverish and agitated 上一天我發現瑪格麗特愁眉苦臉,這一天我看瑪格麗特像是在發燒,情緒非常激動。 |
Ignat , setting his belt straight , left off smiling , and with eyes submissively downcast , walked out of the room 伊格納特整理好腰帶,收斂起笑容,馴服地垂下眼睛,趕忙走出屋子。 |
She came very mute , with her long , handsome face , and downcast eyes , to administer to him 她來報侍他的時候,噤若寒蟬。她的長而標致的臉孔上,兩只眼睛只敢向地下望。 |
But on cain and his offering he did not look with favor . so cain was very angry , and his face was downcast 只是看不中該隱和他的供4物;該隱就大大地發怒,變了臉色。 |