
dowdy adj.1.(婦女)服裝不整潔的,邋遢的。2.(服裝等)...


Slipshod assistance , foolish inattention , dowdy indifference , and half - hearted work seem the rule ; and no man succeeds , unless by hook or crook or threat he force or bribes other men to assist him ; or mayhap , god in his goodness performs a miracle , and sends him an angle of light for an assistant 懶懶散散、漠不關心、馬馬虎虎、敷衍了事的工作態度,似乎已經成為許多人的常態,除非苦口婆心或威逼利誘使勁渾身解數叫下屬幫忙,又或者除非奇跡出現,上帝仁慈地賜給他一名得力助手,否則,它只能空嘆無能為力。

She made several attempts to find other employment , but her dowdy appearance made her look old and inefficient . for the first time in her life lottie would gladly have worked for nothing to have some place to go , something to do with her day 她找了幾次工作,但是她邋遢的外表使她看起來又老又沒用。珞蒂生平第一次愿意不計報酬只要有個工作,有一個地方可去,有事情可以打發她的日子。

“ the duchess of dowdy strikes again , “ wrote blackwell . “ in feathered hats that were once the rage , she resembles a petrified parakeet from the jurassic age . a royal wreck . 他說: “寒酸公爵夫人又來了。帶著一頂過時的羽飾帽,簡直就像個侏羅紀時代的鸚鵡活化石。王室垃圾! ” 。

The duchess of dowdy strikes again , wrote blackwell . infeathered hats that were once the rage , she resembles apetrifiedkeet from the jurassic age . a royal wreck 他說: “寒酸公爵夫人又來了。帶著一頂過時的羽飾帽,簡直就像個侏羅紀時代的鸚鵡活化石。王室垃圾! ” 。

This happened to poor catherine of braganza at her wedding to charles ii of britain in 1662 , when her pink farthingale was castigated as dowdy 1662年,凱瑟琳公主下嫁英國的查理斯二世,她穿了一條用鯨骨圓環擴大的粉紅色裙子行禮,結果被視為過于寒酸。

Seen its best days . wispish hair over her ears . and that dowdy toque , three old grapes to take the harm out of it 還有那頂式樣俗氣的無檐女帽上頭還綴了三顆古色古香的葡萄珠,這才勉強戴得出去。

The electronic giant ( 三星 ) was then a corpulent also - ran , burdened by debt , and a dowdy brand image 這位電子行業的巨人當時機構臃腫,舉步維艱,負債累累,臭名遠揚。

Freddy , we ' re a hit . right up there with “ howdy dowdy “ 弗瑞迪,我們成功了與“你好杜迪” (當時一成功電視節目)有的一比!

You really don ' t like a village girl although you said you dress dowdy 你看不像村姑,雖然你說你的衣著老土。

And i ' m going to be incredibly dowdy 而我是那樣的寒酸

“ the duchess of dowdy strikes again , “ wrote blackwell 他說: “寒酸公爵夫人又來了。

My mom doesn ' t like dowdy looking guys like you 我媽媽才看不上你這樣寒酸的人

The dowdy fellow is quite unlike the general run of my wife's guests . 這個邋里邋遢的家伙完全不象我妻子的客人那一流人。

She made the other women look dowdy and careless . 她使其他人相形見絀,使她們顯得太懶散。

She was in a dowdy blue frock。 她穿了件不大潔凈的藍上衣。