
douse vt.1.把…浸入(水中);在…上潑水,澆水。2.【航海...


When hands are dry , silver lon included in the smooth cream and coagulate dew can restrain the development of bacteria on hands continually , prevent second infection of exotic bacteria smooth cream and coagulate dew all possess the function of disinfection and anti - bacteria before it is involuntary douse or water letion 乾燥后潤膚凝露內含的銀離子,可持續抑制手部細菌的成長,及預防外來細菌的二次感染,潤膚凝露在自然撥落或清水洗凈前,皆保有持續的消毒,抗菌的作用

In a series of experiments , they demonstrated that healthyratswill prudently avoid areas that have been doused with caturine . infact , when scientists test anti - anxiety drugs on rats , they use awhiff of cat urine to induce neurochemical panic . however , it turns out that toxoplasma - ridden rats show nosuchreaction 據美國“生活科學”網站2月10日報道,美國斯坦利醫藥研究所的科學家們在利用老鼠進行一種抗焦慮藥物實驗時,用貓尿味兒來引起老鼠的神經緊張。

In a series of experiments , they demonstrated that healthy rats will prudently avoid areas that have been doused with cat urine . in fact , when scientists test anti - anxiety drugs on rats , they use a whiff of cat urine to induce neurochemical panic 據美國“生活科學”網站2月10日報道,美國斯坦利醫藥研究所的科學家們在利用老鼠進行一種抗焦慮藥物實驗時,用貓尿味兒來引起老鼠的神經緊張。

Grits look like white , lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall - paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter , salt , and gravy ( especially red - eye gravy , which is made with pan drippings and coffee ) 玉米糝看上去就像是團塊狀的白色燕麥粥,如果不拌上大量的黃油、鹽和肉汁(尤其是火腿汁,由加蔞葉的烤肉油汁和咖啡制成) ,那味道比貼墻紙用的漿糊還要差。

The duck is first seasoned with orange peel , cinnamon , parsley and a mix of other spices and condiments . it is then marinated in rice wine , before being smoked over a charcoal fire , which is doused with tea leaves to develop a rich aroma and pleasant smoky taste 首先以橙皮肉桂胡荽和其他腌料調味,再以米酒腌浸,然后放在加上茶葉的炭火上熏,做出一道令人垂涎的美食。

Habits : known for casual dress , he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt ? ? but don ' t mistake him for laid - back . snacks on granola doused with apple juice 習慣:喬伯斯是一個以便裝形象出名的人。在辦公室里,他從不穿鞋,并且總是穿著一件運動衫? ?但是,請不要誤解為他是一個松懈懶散的人。他喜歡將格蘭諾拉麥片蘸上蘋果汁來吃。

Add cut chillies without dousing them with soy sauce , or add only one or two drops . use mustard and ketchup instead of mayonnaise on burgers and sandwiches , and pepper or lemon juice instead of salt 不要將醬油加入切好的辣椒內否則只加一或二滴或是用芥末或蕃茄醬等來代替漢堡和三明治中的美乃滋以及用胡椒粉或檸檬汁來代替鹽。

Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 大伙侵吞了位于馬尼拉一個簡陋城鎮中數以百計的住房,使得1200個家庭無家可歸。居民們爭相用水桶接水希望能熄滅大火。

Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 大火吞噬了馬尼拉一個棚戶區的上百處住所,致使1200多個家庭無處可去。人們提著水桶,爭相去提水,希望可以將火澆滅。

Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shantytown , leaving about 1200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 大火吞噬了馬尼拉一個棚戶區的上百處住所,致使1200多個家庭無家可歸。人們提著水桶,爬上爬下的潑水,希望能撲滅火焰。

Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 在馬尼拉,大伙同莫了當地貧民區數百處住所,使得1200戶家庭無家可歸。居民們紛紛抓起水桶打水,希望能夠澆滅火焰。

Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 大火吞噬了馬尼拉市郊鐵皮屋區成百上千的民宅,致使1200個家庭無家可歸。居民抓來水桶奔去取水,希望能夠把火熄滅。

Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 馬尼拉貧民窯的一場火燒毀了數以百計的房子,致使大約1 , 200個家庭無家可歸。居民們倉促的拿水桶救火,希望澆滅火焰。

Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 大火吞噬了馬尼拉鐵皮屋區的數百間房屋,致使約1200個家庭無家可歸。居民們爭相用水桶取水,希望可以將火熄滅。

Brother he and sister lin tried to douse the flames with basins and buckets of water . but unfortunately , without fire extinguishers , they could not put out the fire with such small amounts of water 何師兄和林師姊趕緊拿臉盆水桶裝水滅火,但缺少滅火器,杯水車薪如何能滅得了大火?

Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 大火燒毀了馬尼拉市棚戶區的數百間民房,使1200戶人家無家可歸。居民們爭相用水桶取水,試圖撲滅大火。

Instead of dousing a whole - grain or bran toaster waffle in syrup , cut the sugar and boost the protein and fiber by spreading it with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter 不是把全谷或麥麩餅干浸在糖漿中,而是在上面用抹上兩大勺花生醬,這樣能降低糖份,提高蛋白質和纖維。

In his youth , he spurned a priestess , who in fury slashed open his face and doused the wounds with a corrosive distillate of spider poison 在他年輕的時候,他曾輕蔑的拒絕過一個女祭司,這個女祭司在狂怒中嚴重損毀了他的面容,并在傷口上灑上了一種腐蝕性的蜘蛛毒液。

Habits : known for casual dress , he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt - but do n ' t mistake him for laid - back . snacks on granola doused with apple juice 在辦公室里,他從不穿鞋,并且總是穿著一件運動衫-但是,請不要誤解為他是一個松懈懶散的人。