
dot n.多特 〔Dorothea 的昵稱〕。

dot mark

The small part which returns via an air path is called the leakage flu and is indicated by dotted lines . 一小部分經空氣路徑返回的磁通量,叫做漏磁通量,并用虛線畫出。

Our conclusion holds even for paths that loop in and out, like the dotted path in fig 1. 5 . 即使對迂回曲折的路徑,象圖15虛線所示的那種路徑,我們的結論也是正確的。

Dot aged about fourteen, but looking twice as developed as phyl who was five years her elder . 黛特雖然不過十四歲左右,比菲兒小五歲,可是長得比她豐滿一倍。

For one lurid moment she saw dot magston in the arms of a lad she didn't know . 在可怕的一剎那中,她分明看見黛特馬斯頓被一個她不認識的小伙子摟在懷里。

Major shairpe, much spruced up and wearing a pith helmet, arrived on the dot of nine . 謝普少校打扮得整潔多了,戴著一頂編織著木髓的鋼盔,正好九點來到。

I was immediately struck by the number of young englishmen dotted about; all well dressed . 我馬上注意到客人中夾雜著不少年輕的英國人;個個衣著整齊。

We locate the positions of electron at particular instants in time and indicate these positions by dots . 我們在各特定瞬間將電子定位,并用點標示。

The leaves were dotted in between the layers with white flowers, some blooming gracefully . 層層的葉子中間,零星地點綴著些白花,有裊娜地開著的。

Dots on the three lowest rungs would indicate that the system possesses no internal energy . 圓點在三個最低梯級上,就表示這個系統沒有內能。

The upper horizontal dotted line represents the free surface of the liquid at rest . 上方的水平點線,代表的是處于靜止狀態液體的自由表面。

They seemed like so many little flags dotted about the schoolroom . how we worked ! 那些卡片好象許多面小旗點綴著教室,我們是何等專心啊!

Talent drew the red dot upon the spirit tablet that would grace the altar at home . 塔朗特用一個手指在靈牌上點殊,使府內祭臺為之增色。

If two vectors are associated with each other as a dot product, the result is a scalar . 如果兩個向量以標量積結合,其結果為一標量。

The trees grew more and more in groves and dotted with old yews . 那里的樹木越來越多地長成了一簇簇的小叢林,還點綴著幾棵老紫杉樹。

If i told him i had a dot of a million frances he would ask nothing better . 如果我告訴他我有一百萬法郎作嫁妝,他更會求之不得了。

Each dot is called a sorus and consists of many sporangia mounted on stalks . 每個圓點稱為一個囊群,由許多長在柄上的孢子囊組成。

Such a region is called a condensation and is represented by closely spaced dots . 這區域稱為稠密區,并用密集的小點表示。

It was almost black, dotted with ugly leaden rain clouds . 天上幾乎已是一片烏黑,布滿了一團團怕人的濃濃的積雨云。

He thought that a flock of birds was causing dots on his radar screen . 他以為這是一群鳥在他的屏幕上形成的光點。