
dorking n.(英國多津地方出產的)肉用種五趾雞。


She handled their crops , and knew what they had eaten , and if too little or too much ; her face enacting a vivid pantomime of the criticisms passing in her mind . the birds that the two girls had brought in were duly returned to the yard , and the process was repeated till all the pet cocks and hens had been submitted to the old woman - hamburghs , bantams , cochins , brahmas , dorkings , and such other sorts as were in fashion just then - her perception of each visitor being seldom at fault as she received the bird upon her knees 兩個姑娘把帶來的雞一只只送回院子,不斷重復著帶來送去的程序,一只又一只地把老夫人所寵愛的公雞和母雞送到她的面前如漢堡雞短腳雞交趾雞印度大種雞多津雞,還有其它一些當時流行的各種各樣的雞當每只雞放到老夫人的膝上時,她都能認出來,而且幾乎沒有認錯的。