
doom n.1.命運;惡運;劫數;毀滅,死亡。2.【歷史】法令。...

doom palm

It isn't rubbish. i'm a doomed man, and i feel it, and a wonderful uncomfortable feeling it is . 俺不是胡說八道,俺知道俺是要歸天的人了,想起來,俺心里真不好受。

The thunder of the fifteen-inch guns reverberated among the surrounding mountains like the voice of doom . 十五英寸口徑大炮的轟鳴在四周的群山中回蕩,宛如喪鐘。

In the iron age they imagined themselves of the golden, doomed only to live and to love . 他們處于鐵器時代,卻想象是在黃金時代,注定了要享受人生,享受愛情。

During august our doom appeared to some giddy western journalists “a question of days. “ 八月間,在西方某些輕率的記者看來,我們的毀滅似乎“指日可待”。

Although few men realized the fact, the doom of the taft administration had been sealed . 雖然幾乎沒有人認識到這一事實,但塔夫脫政府已注定要倒臺。

If what you say is accurate, roosevelt is pronouncing a long-range doom on all free men . 如果你說的話沒錯,羅斯福是在對全體自由人宣布長期的厄運。

The announcer, with rich dramatic doom in his voice, spoke words that arrested her pen . 廣播員的洪亮清晰和富有感情的聲音,使她不由得停下筆。

They and their nations were doomed to what khrushehev had called peaceful coexistence . 他們和他們的國家必然要走向赫魯曉夫所指的和平共處。

The note to be sounded was brevity, mystery, and a foretaste of impending doom for germany . 措辭應當簡短、神秘,而且要預示德國即將滅亡。

Sometimes a shuddering terror struck him, as if he had been the author of the doom . 有時候他害怕得心驚膽戰,好像這次大禍是他一手造成的。

The orbiter-tethered to the fuel tank-was doomed from the first millisecond . 與固體燃料箱拴在一起的航天飛機從最初的1毫秒起就注定會毀滅。

There was no longer any question about the doom the inquisition had prepared for me . 對宗教法庭給我安排好的歸宿已經不再有任何疑問了。

Injun joe infested all his dreams, and always with doom in his eye . 印江喬闖進他所有的夢里,而且眼睛里老是閃著一股要殺人的兇氣。

He had no vision of her after this that was anything but darkness and doom . 從此以后,他在幻覺中看到她總是充滿了陰郁,兇多吉少。

The doomed young rebel showed no sign of grace as he got older . 這個不可救藥的逆子,在他長大起來的時候,并沒有什么改好的表現。

North vietnamese stonewalling doomed cambodia, however, to prolonged agony . 然而北越人的拖延戰術卻使柬埔寨慘遭長期的磨難。

Their success over cambodia doomed that country and therefore south vietnam as well . 他們在柬埔寨的勝利也置南越于死地了。

Art music includes academic exercises doomed to eternal silence . 技藝音樂包括一些音樂學院的練習曲,則注定永遠默默無聞。

Every tree doomed to the flaying process was first attacked by upjohn . 每一棵決定要剝皮的樹,首先由厄普約翰開始動手干。