
donut n.= doughnut.


Best illustration of this problem , i see the face of a shop selling sweet circle of the sign , reading : “ the difference between optimistic and pessimistic optimist see is very subtle : donut 最能說明這個問題,是我在一家賣甜圈的商店面前見到的一塊招牌,上面寫著: “樂觀者和悲觀者的差別十分微妙:樂觀者看到的是甜甜圈,而悲觀者看到的則是甜甜圈中間的小小空洞。 ”

Your blood - sugar level is too low , and your body just wants a quick sugar fix ? a donut or some cookies or white bread or a coke will be much more appealing than a salad or healthy sandwich on whole grain bread 你的血糖水平很低了,所以需要快速地補充糖分? ?這個時候,面包圈、餅干、白面包或者可口可樂鐵定比沙拉或者全麥面包做的三明治更吸引你。

On december 23 , 2004 the initiates continued this tradition by distributing donuts , coffee , blankets , socks and towels and also presenting master s video walk the way of love at the foundation s homeless shelter 2004年12月23日,同修在基金會設立的游民收容所,分送甜甜圈咖啡毯子短襪和毛巾給游民同胞,并播放師父的簡介錄影帶走在愛的路上。

Potato latkes , similar to pancakes , are a traditional food eaten around hanukkah time . potatoes , eggs , onions , flour and salt are generally combined to make them . fruit - filled donuts are also popular 光明節期間比較流行的食物是土豆餅。土豆餅類似于薄煎餅,是用土豆、雞蛋、洋蔥、面粉和鹽做成的。此外,裹有水果的油炸圈餅也很受歡迎。

You can choose among common column , line , bar , pie , and stock chart types ; or you can generate charts that are based on unusual styles , such as bubbles or donuts 您可以選擇柱形圖、折線圖、條形圖、餅圖以及股價圖,也可根據不常用的樣式(氣泡圖或同心圓)生成圖表。

Cinnamon is used to flavor various foods , including cakes , cookies , apple pie , donuts , buns , puddings , pancakes , compotes , yogurt , and candies 肉桂被使用在調味各式各樣的食物,包括蛋糕、餅乾、蘋果派、甜甜圈、小圓面包、布丁、薄煎餅、蜜餞、酸奶,和糖果。

Cakes and buns : pastries , sweet buns , donuts , cakes , fruit tarts , cookies etc . eat appropriate amount of food rich in fiber including fruits and vegetables 中西式包點和甜點:如奶皇包蓮蓉包叉燒包菠蘿包蛋糕蛋撻及曲奇餅等。

He thought , “ oh , maybe god wants to reward me for all the effort i made all these months . maybe hes wants me to eat some donuts today . 他心想:大概是上帝要獎勵我這些日子所付出的努力,也許?今天想讓我享受一頓甜甜圈。

So okay , that s good . this went on for some time , two months . and he never touched a donut again ; he never went to that shop again 時間一天天過去,轉眼已過了二個月了,這段期間他真的沒有再碰甜甜圈,也沒有再去那家店。

But one day he accidentally went back on that old route again . he drove along it and saw the donut shop . and he said , “ oh , my god 有一天,無意中他將車子又開經那條舊的路線,看到了那家甜甜圈店,他告訴自己:天啊!

As i began to cook , a crowd of children came over to help me , and we had a lot of fun making donuts with brightly colored icings 當我開始烘烤甜點時,有一群小孩前來幫忙,我們開心地將甜甜圈裹上色彩鮮艷的糖衣。

2 police in philadelphia say an officer who was shot in the head during a robbery yesterday in a donut shop has died 費城警方稱,昨天,一警官在面包圈店的搶劫行動(案)中被擊中頭部不幸身亡。

Police in philadelphia say an officer who was shot in the head during a robbery yesterday in a donut shop has died 費城警方稱在昨天的一起搶劫面包圈店的案件中一名警官被擊中頭部而身亡。

Police in philadelphia say an officer who was shot in the head during a robbery yesterday in a donut shop has died 費城警方宣布昨日在一家面包圈店中被射中頭部的警官殉值。

Chandler : it was an accident . not like i was across the street with a telescope and a box of donuts 錢勒:是一個意外。跟隔著一條街拿著望遠鏡和一盒甜面圈偷窺完全兩回事。

But he also believed in donuts very much . he ate a lot of donuts . and he got very fat 有一個人信仰上帝非常地虔誠,也非常喜歡吃甜甜圈,而且吃得很多,所以變得很胖很胖。

He drove on another route instead of his old route , on which he had to pass by the donut shop every day 于是他決定改變上班路線,不再走原先每天會經過甜甜圈店的那條路。

Chandler : it was an accident . not like i was across the street with a telescope and a box of donuts 那是個意外。我又不是一邊吃著甜甜圈一邊拿著望遠鏡看街對面那種人。

And if you are forced to eat a 4th , the donut begins to tasted like a ring of lard 如果還硬要塞給你第四個,原本覺得超好吃的甜甜圈也會變得像是一環豬油一般。