
donkey n.1.驢子。2.傻瓜;蠢驢;頑固的人。3.〔美俚〕拖拉...

donkey act

Marine full automatic fuel donkey boiler emulation system 全自動船用燃油輔鍋爐仿真系統

Gus , about a donkey who kicked field goals 我還得求迪士尼,給我出演其中的一個小品角色

This old donkey is a good quiet mount for a child “這頭老驢性情溫和,是孩子的好坐騎。

Shrek ! - aw , come on , donkey . look at him 史萊克!喔,來,唐基,看看他

One day a farmer ' s donkey fell down into a well 一天農戶的一頭驢子不小心掉到井里了。

Did pinocchio transform into a donkey ? why 皮諾曹變成一頭驢了嗎?為什么?

The donkey became angry , and kicked the tiger 驢生氣了,就用蹄子踢老虎。

- hey , boss . let ' s shave him . - d - donkey -嗨,老大,我們把他搖醒-唐-唐基

Hey , boss . let ' s shave him . - d - donkey 嗨,老大,我們把他搖醒-唐-唐基

Donkeys are tough little animals and can carry big loads 驢是結實的小動物,能負重載。

The short man who ' s kind and the donkey ' s behind 那個小矮子非常友善和頑固

The donkey got very angry and kicked the tiger 驢子很生氣,用蹄子踢老虎。

Donkey : you know what else everybody likes 驢:你知道人們都還喜歡什么嗎?

Tom haggled for hours over the price of the donkey 湯姆為驢的價格討價還價幾個小時。

The donkey got angry and kicked that boy down 那拱驢被惹怒子,把那個小男孩踢倒了。

A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey 騾子是母馬和公驢的雜交后代。

Gave the donkey the flowers to smell , it ate them 遞給蠢驢鮮花嗅,結果只會吞下肚。

The donkey began to trot faster , then to gallop 驢子開始小跑起來,后來,變成疾跑。

Little donkey by theater terra the netherlands 大地劇團(荷蘭) 《小驢的天空》