
dominie n.1.〔蘇格蘭語〕 教員,老師。2.〔美國〕(荷蘭改革...


The master s wife would go on a visit to the country in a few days , and there would be nothing to interfere with the plan ; the master always prepared himself for great occasions by getting pretty well fuddled , and the sign - painter s boy said that when the dominie had reached the proper condition on examination evening he would “ manage the thing “ while he napped in his chair ; then he would have him awakened at the right time and hurried away to school 過幾天,老師的太太要到鄉下去串門,這樣他們就能順利地實施計劃。另外,每逢重要日子,老師都要喝得酩酊大醉。那孩子說大考那天晚上,等老師差不多醉倒在椅子上打盹的時候,他就“乘機下手” ,然后再伺機弄醒他,催他快到學校去。

Dominie deasy kens them a 迪希先生全都認得。