
domination n.1.把持,操縱,支配,統治;優勢。2.【生物學】顯性...


Those types of domination number play an important role in structure of graphs 這些類型的控制數的量的關系在圖的結構中起著重要的作用

Those type of domination number play an important role in structure of graphs 這些類型的控制數的量的關系在圖的結構中起著重要的作用。

Fading in brightness - science amp; technology and females in the cultural context of male domination 男權文化語境中的科學技術與女性

The last chapter accounts for the phenomena of domination and accommodation 第四章對美國遷就和支配以色列的現象做出了解釋。

Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination 宗教團體和宗教事物不受外國勢力的支配。

Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination 宗教團體和宗教事務不受外國勢力的支配。

The domination of europe over the rest of the world has long since declined (歐洲對世界其他地區的支配作用早已衰弱。 )

Domination - m on f 1900 支配男上女下1921

The exploitation of computer ' s domination based on impulsion energy resources 基于脈沖能源的計算機控制技術的開發

Monster domination . controls any creature , but for less time 支配怪物術:可以控制任何生物,不過持續的時間較短。

The domination of europe over the rest of the world has long since declined 歐洲對世界其他各地的支配久已式微。

True domination . dominated subjects less likely to defy your will 真實支配術:減少受支配者反抗你意志的可能性。

Yeah , well , school domination is 控制學校就可能了

Governance versus domination : an explanation of a political development normal form 一個政治發展范式的闡釋

On signed edge domination of graphs 關于圖符號的邊控制

Her desire for domination over the others caused trouble in the family 她想要支配別人,引起了家庭糾紛。

The number of vertices with small degree in connected - 3 - domination - critical graphs 控制臨界圖的小度點數

Now they have set their sights on nothing less than global domination 現在他們把視線投向地球的主宰權。

The defeated army must assent to the domination of the victors 被打敗的軍隊必須同意勝利軍隊的支配。