
dominant adj.1.支配的,統治的;有權威的。2.最有力的,占優...

dominant character

The dominant pattern of municipal reform, however, was redemption through leadership of some dynamic and often colorful popular tribune . 但是,市政改革的主要模式,乃是由精明能干而且常常深得人心的群眾領袖領導的改革。

With wide stripes, however, higher order lateral modes are generally dominant as seen in the near-field micrograph of fig. 7. 7. 1 . 但是,當條形較寬時,一般都是高階橫模占優勢,這可以從圖771的近場顯微照片看出來。

With cysteamine pre-treatment, decreased yields of dominant lethals were obtained in spermatocytes, spermatids and in spermatozoa . 用半脘氨預先處理,在精母細胞,精子細胞和精蟲內均可使顯性致死突變值下降。

With systeamine pretreatment decreased yields of dominant lethals were obtained in spermatocytes, spermatids and in spermatozoa . 用半胱氨預先處理,在精母細胞、精子細胞和精蟲內均可使顯性致死突變值下降。

Character synusia is not always a dominant one, but the presence of which is particularly characteristic of a given vegetation type . 特征層片并不總是優勢層片,但它的存在特別可作為一定植被型的特征。

Nor did he lose touch with the dominant figures in his own country and he constantly weighed their policies and actions . 與此同時,他也沒有失去與本國領導人的聯系,而且不斷地審度他們的政策和行動。

In dollar value, political and economic power, some few hundred “giant corporations“ occupy a strategically dominant position . 從資金大小,政治和經濟力量來看,幾百家“大公司”占有關鍵性地位。

The environment of the river becomes more suitable for ciliates, which form the dominant group of animal plankton . 河流環境變得較適合纖毛類生物的生長,因而纖毛類成了浮游動物中占優勢的群體。

Where forests are concerned, the difficulty is increased by the longevity and competitive capacity of dominant tree species . 只要哪里涉及森林,就由于優勢樹種的長命和競爭力而增加困難。

The federal entity created by the constitution is by far the dominant feature of the american governmental system . 憲法所建立的聯邦統一體,到目前為止,是美國政府制度最主要的特色。

The older male buffalo is dominant in the family group and very protective of the females with which he mates . 年長的公水牛在家族中屬統治地位,它們很善于保護與之交配的母水牛。

One of the major characteristics of the congress is the dominant role committees play in its proceedings . 國會的重大特征之一,是由各委員會在國會工作過程中擔當主要的角色。

One of them was the emergence of the united states during this period as the dominant industrial power in the world . 有一點是美國在此期間涌現為世界上占支配地位的工業國。

Here, in the wretched room, her father's moaning was the dominant note and seemed irrefutable . 在這間慘淡的屋子里,她父親的呻吟訴苦蓋過了一切,而且似乎是不容置辯的。

Formations are often divided into subordinate community types characterized by their dominant species . 群系可以按其優勢物種的特征劃分為一些次級的群落類型。

More recently ray developed the directiveness scale, which is well able to predict dominant behaviour . 雷最近編制了定向性量表,它可以較好地預言支配行為。

Its necessity would appear to be impugned by the view of the dominant school of quantum physicists . 它的必要性似乎被量子物理學家的主要學派的觀點所非難。

Their dominant purchasing power can bias production and imports toward manufactured luxury goods . 他們對社會購買力的支配,會使生產和進口都偏重奢侈品。

All of the functional managers in the joint venture will come from or be selected by the dominant parent . 合資企業內所有職能部門經理全由母公司委派。