
domesticity n.1.對家庭生活的愛好,愛操持家務;深居簡出。2.家庭...


The stranger had sojourned in many more lands and among many more peoples than angel ; to his cosmopolitan mind such deviations from the social norm , so immense to domesticity , were no more than are the irregularities of vale and mountain - chain to the whole terrestrial curve 安琪爾這位陌生的同伴,比他到過更多的國家,見過更多的人物在他寬闊的胸懷著來,這類超越社會常規的事情,對于家庭生活似乎非同小可,其實只不過是一些高低不平的起伏,有如連綿不斷的山川峽谷對于整個地球的曲線。

Meanwhile clare was meditating , verily . his thought had been unsuspended ; he was becoming ill with thinking ; eaten out with thinking , withered by thinking ; scourged out of all his former pulsating flexuous domesticity 他的思考一直沒有間斷過因為思考,他已經病倒了因為思考,他的人已經變得消瘦,也因為思考變得憔悴了因為思考的折磨,他以前天生的對家庭生活的情趣也變得沒有了。

The dreamworks project , based on the 1961 novel by richard yates , revolves around a suburban couple caught between their hopes for a life of art , culture and sophistication and the everyday drudgery of boring jobs and domesticity 迪卡普里奧和溫斯萊特將在片中扮演中產階級夫妻,他們之間充滿謊言和壓力的生活,折射出二戰后西方知識分子經歷的精神幻滅。

Due to the question of time , many foundamental factor of policy bank have not acquaintance accord agreement among researchers and practicers of domesticity is necessary that we should research the questions of policy bank 本文來源于作者多年銀行工作的實際,是站在熟悉銀行業務的金融工作者角度,去看待分析另一種金融機構的應然狀態。

Animal loving britons have taken their obsession with furry pets to new lengths - - including many members of the cat family not usually associated with domesticity , according to a survey published wednesday 英國公布的一份調查結果顯示,英國人如今對寵物的著迷已從普通的帶毛動物擴大到更廣的范圍,這包括許多不常被飼養的貓科動物。

Animal loving britons have taken their obsession with furry pets to new lengths - including many members of the cat family not usually associated with domesticity , according to a survey published wednesday 英國公布的一份調查結果顯示,英國人如今對寵物的著迷已從普通的帶毛動物擴大到更廣的范圍,這包括許多不常被飼養的貓科動物。

Besides the jar of contrast there came to her a chill self - reproach that she had not returned sooner , to help her mother in these domesticities , instead of indulging herself out - of - doors 除了對比之下引起的不愉快而外,她在心里頭還產生了一陣嚴厲的自我責備,怪自己沒有早點回來幫助母親做些家務事情,而一直在外面貪戀玩樂。

Conscious observation the change of city life that occurred the care of domestic life is exactly “ the birth of domesticity aesthetics ” 作者以荷蘭畫家維梅爾的畫作和現象學的空間理論作為切入點,都市生活于有意識的觀看中,對室內居家生活的關切,正是作者所稱的:室內美學的誕生。

As well as the heart - warming anecdotes of windsor family domesticity , the interview revealed the throne - trembling revelation that neither william nor harry can cook 正如令人感動的溫莎皇室家庭趣聞一樣,這次采訪揭露一個令人震驚的發現- -威廉和哈里王子都不會下廚

The domesticity condition of these people is even poorer than family of agricultural registered permanent residence , the difficulty of its children enter a school is solved extremely hard 這些人的家庭生活境況比農業戶口家庭還要差,其子女入學的困難極難解決。

Geoffrey always lives with others rather than his own family . it seems to me that he prefers to enjoy domesticity at one remove 杰弗里經常與別人住在一起,而不是自己的家人。椐我看,他好像喜歡過種關系不太密切的家庭生活。

He felt fenced in by domesticity , by his nine - to - five daily routine , by the social demands of urban living 他覺得自己被家庭生活,被朝九晚五的日常工作,被城市的各種居住需求限制住了。

Immolate domesticity for aspire after career galvanization 為追求事業發展而犧牲家庭生活。

Short of stability and dependability in domesticity 家庭生活欠缺穩定性及可靠性。

To preserve an unbroken domesticity was essential to his peace of mind . 維護一個完整的家庭生活對于保持他心境安寧尤為重要。