
doily n.(墊碗碟或小擺設等的)小布巾;花邊桌墊。


Our company mainly sells fpc base materials ( indusium , rubber latex and pi doily ) , whose quality and technologyis competitive . professional after - sale service staff is organized as well , which provides the clients with complete technique support as a strong backup force for the quality of the products . the products sold by our company has , in a short term , been accepted and appreciated by its famous counterparts 公司主要銷售fpc基材(覆蓋膜、純膠膜、 pi補強片) ,公司產品品質優異,技術力量雄厚,并配有專業的售后服務團隊;將為您提供完善的技術支持,是您品質保證的強有力后盾,公司所銷售的產品在短時間內得到了業界知名企業的認可與贊同。

No recounting of the annals of the sport fails to include the torrid tale of the eager to impress hakman actually eating the serving doily off of the dinner table at a local torquay restaurant much to the delight of green 所有記載這項運動歷史的記錄都提到了一件表現哈克曼急切心情的逸事,他甚至在torquay當地的一家餐館里吞下了桌上的桌巾以取悅格林。

And i knew they had each made something for me : bookmarks carefully cut , colored , and sometimes pasted together ; cards and special drawings ; liquid embroidery doilies , hand - fringed , of course 我知道他們每個人也都為我做了禮物:仔細剪裁、著色,或已粘集成串的書簽;賀卡和特別繪制的圖片;透明的鑲邊碗碟墊布,當然是手工編制的流蘇。

Cancer : ooh , there ' s nothing like candy heart art and lace doilies to get you going ! martha stewart ' s got nothing on you 巨蟹座:沒有什么能像心形點心和系著綢帶的禮物那樣吸引你。但是大款可沒準備送給你禮物。