
dodger n.1.躲閃者;推托者,蒙騙者。2.〔美國〕傳單,廣告單...


Take the dodger ' s word for it 要相信機靈鬼的話

Dodger let me ask you a question 我問你一個問題

Roger dodger , out like the wind 明白了,我們走!

Dodger ) let me ask you a question 我問你一個問題

( dodger ) let me ask you a question 我問你一個問題

Dodger felt up the new guy 道婕對新來的家伙有意思

Dodger , take off the sausages 機靈鬼,把香腸拿下來

Especially the dodger , my dear 特別是機靈鬼,寶貝兒

Wait a minute . i am duck dodgers 等等,我就是道奇鴨

L was really trying to scare dodger 我確實是想嚇唬道婕

I haven ' t been comfortable since the dodgers left brooklyn 自從道基隊離開布魯克林之后我就沒有開心過了

Why are you known as the artful dodger 你為什么叫機靈鬼?

Make sure she pays her share she ' s a bit of a dodger 她自己的一份一定要她付清- -她可是有點能賴就賴

. . . my name is jack dawkins , better known as the artful dodger . . .我叫杰克?道金斯大家都叫我機靈鬼

Dodger wasn ' t supposed to hit me that hard 道婕不該打我那么重

Make the dodger and charley your models 跟機靈鬼還有查理學著點

- what ' s got into you , dodger ? - i have to see fagin alone -你怎么啦,機靈鬼? -我得和費金單獨說

Dodger , charley , put oiiver to bed 機靈鬼,查理,讓奧立弗去睡吧

Dude , dodger ' s been waiting for a guy who ' ll bite back 哥們,道婕一直想找一個能和她交手的男人