
dodge n.道奇〔姓氏〕。


The vice president had to dodge flying tomatoes 副總統不得不閃躲飛來的番茄。

Monk 500 + 2 to unarmed skill and dodging skill 僧侶500 + 2空手格斗和躲避技能。

The iss can dodge the bigger chunks 對于較大的物體,國際太空站可以直接閃開。

If you ask me , you dodged a newpsie bullet 如果你問我我會覺得你躲開了一顆子彈

She was sharp - witted enough to dodge her attacker 她才思敏捷足以避開別人的攻擊

He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire 持槍歹徒開火時他東躲西閃

If you can dodge a wrench , you can dodge a ball 如果你能躲過扳手,你就能躲過球

I ' ve been dodging this business for the last 20 years 我已經花了20年躲避生意活

Good god , give good dog , dodge , good grades 善良的上帝,請給乖乖狗道奇好分數。

And now, with that perspicacity and ingenuity and enterprise which only belong to a certain passion, mr. foker began to dodge miss amory through london . 從此,福克先生在倫敦到處follow艾默里小姐,這種足智多謀、細心察訪和孜孜不倦的精神,是只有某種感情才會具有的。

Whenever he went dodging about the village, he was surrounded by a troop of children, hanging on his skirts, clambering on his back, and playing a thousand tricks on him with impunity . 每逢他在村子里閑步的時候,總有一大群孩子圍著他,有的拉住他的衣服下擺,有的爬在他背上,有的大膽地百般作弄他。

And adding example to his words, he began to run, dodging among the willows, and in marshy places leaping from tussock to tussock . 為了表示言行一致,他帶頭跑了起來,借著柳樹的掩護,在那多沼澤的島上,從一個草叢到一個草叢地跳越著。

Though his thoughts seemed to dodge about, his life was an unremitting effort to find the truth by being true to himself . 雖然他的思想似乎難以捉摸,他卻畢生努力不懈地按自己的辦法尋求真理。

A man like barbicane would not dodge his enemy, or ensnare him, would not even maneuver ! 巴比康這個人即使對他的敵人也不會耍花招,設圈套,用心計的。

Economic growth has slowed it becomes more difficult to dodge the distribution issue . 經濟增長速度已經緩慢下來,因而要避開分配問題就日益困難。

I could see furtive wolf shapes dodging in and out of the shadows, eyes shining . 我能看見狼形的詭秘身影在黑暗中時隱時現,眼睛閃著亮。

The sheffield, understanding the mistake, dodged successfully and did not fire . “謝斐爾德”號知道炸錯了,巧妙地躲開,沒有開炮。

I bad by now become adept at dodging blows and i nimbly ducked my head . 現在我已經能敏捷地把頭低下,機警地躲過打過來的拳頭了。

Of course, if they pull the same dodge again, that's something else . 當然,如果他們再用同樣的詭計,那就又當別論。