
doctrine n.1.(宗教、政治方面的)教旨,教條;教義;原則;主義...


Thanks to francis bacon's exhortations, the mastery of nature became a positive doctrine and a pervasive motivation . 由于弗朗西斯培根的勸告,掌握大自然變成了一種確定的學說和一個貫穿一切的動力。

Hobbes in his political and legal doctrines advocated a form of government which may be described as “enlightened absolutism. “ 霍布斯在其政治、法律理論中提倡一種可以稱之為“開明專制主義”的政體。

Malthus, indeed, had vehemently opposed ricardo's doctrine that it was impossible for effective demand to be deficient; but vainly . 李嘉圖認為有效需求不會不足,馬爾薩斯雖曾強烈反對,但是沒有用。

Since all of these doctrines were accepted uncritically, new ideas were either not entertained or failed to gain a hearing . 因這些說法被人毫無批判地加以接受,所以新的思想就不受歡迎或無人理睬。

It involved serious issues of strategic doctrine and went to the heart of our arms control negotiations with the soviet union . 它又涉及嚴重的戰略理論問題,是我們同蘇聯進行軍備控制談判的核心。

The doctrine has no objective other than the declared, straightforward one of charting future company policy . 那份文件只有一個目的,就是指導公司未來的政策,那是文件直截了當地闡明了的。

That the doctrines of the historical jurists stood in sharp contrast to the teachings of the classical natural-law philosophers . 歷史法學派的理論同古典自然法哲學的理論是尖銳對立的。

At the local level there are two doctrines which have adversely affected development of a habit of interlocal cooperation . 在地方這一層次上,有兩個學說很不利于地方間合作習慣的發展。

I disliked both; but agreed to them on condition of his adopting the doctrine of not using animal food . 我兩樣都不喜歡。不過,如果他接受不食葷腥的教義,我可以答應那兩點。

Some said that his words were commonplace, others complained of his want of theological doctrine . 有的人說,他的話都是老生常談,可還有的人抱怨他沒有神學上的主義。

An occasional recourse to philosophical or mystical doctrines succeeded in cloaking some difficulties . 偶爾求助于哲學的或者神秘的教義已經成功地掩蓋了一些困難。

The neoclassical marginal productivity doctrine treats the factors of production like any commodity . 新古典邊際生產率理論把生產要素同任何商品一樣對待。

Under the doctrine of flexible response we would still resort to all-out war if necessary . 按照靈活反應理論,我們在必要時,仍然要訴諸全力以赴的戰爭。

The vote that followed, establishing the doctrine as official company policy, was unanimous . 接下來進行的表決一致同意把這一原則正式奉為公司的方針。

These ambiguities were partly inherent in the rudimentary state of strategic doctrine . 這些理論上的含混之處,一部分是戰略理論在初創階段上所固有的。

The harmonization theory sees international law and muncipal law as concordant bodies of doctrine . 協調說認為國際法和國內法是和諧一致的學說體系。

Hitherto barchester had escaped the taint of any extreme rigor of church doctrine . 頂到這時候為止,巴徹斯特一直逃脫了任何極端嚴厲的教條的污染。

The ordinary man is more interested in news than he is in political doctrines or abstract ideas . 普通人對新聞比對政治教義或抽象概念更感興趣。

Nowhere was the pure dulles doctrine taken more literally than in this bureau . 這個司在貫徹不折不扣的杜勒斯主義方面比其它任何部門都要認真。