
dock n.1.船塢,修船所;〔常 pl.〕 (附設碼頭,倉庫等...

dock board

There ' s a door back there that leads to a loading dock 那邊那個門是通向裝卸臺的

Control automatically docks to the bottom of the form 控件自動停靠于窗體的底部。

You see that young man out there on the dock 看到那個獨自坐在碼頭旁的年輕人了?

A new research ship was launched from the dry dock 一臺新的研究船在乾塢啟用。

The lamp was lit . the dock was on the stroke of twelve 燈亮著,時鐘正敲十二點。

It ' s a shilling to tie up your boat at the dock 你要繳付一先令才能讓你的船停靠

Introduction of the coal dock design for luwa coal mine 鹿洼煤礦煤碼頭設計簡介

Gets the dock padding settings for all edges of the 控件所有邊緣的停靠邊距設置。

No flippies off the dock ! you could get hurt 別從碼頭往下翻跟頭你們會受傷的

Factoryshenzhenkuiyong dock 120 minutes drive way 工廠香港葵涌碼頭120分鐘車程

Prompt the user for the desired docking behavior 提示用戶提供所需的停靠行為。

Specifies the default docking behavior for a control 指定控件的默認停靠行為。

Factoryshenzhen shekou dock 80 minutes drive way 工廠深圳蛇口赤灣碼頭80分鐘車程

So hopefully there won ' t be too many of them at the dock 但愿碼頭那里沒太多僵尸

' gordon , prepare for docking . ' - ' you got it , dad . ' 戈登,準備連接-明白,爸爸

In 1 2 hours , the machines will breach the dock walls 十二小時后敵人將攻破外墻

Factoryshenzhen yantian dock 100 minutes drive way 工廠深圳鹽田碼頭100分鐘車程

Did i miss something ? i thought we saved the dock 有沒有搞錯,我們解救了錫安城

Porters hurried along the docks pushing baggage 碼頭上的搬運工在忙著搬運行李。