
dji DJI = Dow-Jones Index 〔美國〕道瓊...


The piezoelectric constant ( dji ) changes with the polarization time under saturated electric field . the d33 increases rapidly with the polarization time at the initial stages of polarization , and approaches constant after certain time 在飽和電場( es )下,壓電常數( d33 )隨極化時間( tp )的變化而變化,極化初期d33隨tp的增加而迅速增高;極化一定時間后, d33趨于平緩。

So if you took the average cost of each of these stocks on november 22 and divided this number by 0 . 14585278 , you ' d get the closing value of the dji on that date which was 8804 . 84 2002年11月22日,該除數等于0 . 14585278 ,因此假如你用這一天上述股票價值的平均數除以這個除數,就會得到當天道瓊斯指數的收市點數為8804 . 84 。

If the price of international paper increases by two points , the dji would increase by 13 . 7 points assuming none of the other stock values changed ( 13 . 7 = 2 / 0 . 14585278 ) 如果國際紙業的股票價格增加2點,那么,假設其他股票價格保持不變,則道瓊斯指數就會增加13 . 7點(用2除以0 . 14585278 ) 。