
divination n.1.占卜,卜卦。2.先見;預言;預測。3.直觀的感知...


In addition to those slain in battle , the israelites had put to the sword balaam son of beor , who practiced divination 22那時以色列人在所殺的人中,也用刀殺了比珥的兒子術士巴蘭。

Extensive directory of information about divination from a neopagan and occult perspective . ftp site -周易知識及周易預測學,周易算卦算命,星座星相命理,姓名學,生辰八字起名。

A divination on person a getting hit by a bus as they cross the street next tuesday will not work 關于某人a將在下個星期二穿越馬路的時候被公共汽車撞倒的預言是不會有作用的。

Offering courses and counseling through enza , an ancient african tradition , and umoya , a form of animal divination -提供周易預測咨詢培訓風水命理起名改名等服務。

But geomancy means divination according to geographic features , so the translation is not entirely correct 但是土占意指根據地理特征來占卜,所以這個翻譯并非完全正確。

Yes , it certainly is meant to do that , but successful divination does not predict the raw future 的確,照理說這是它應該做的,但是成功的預言并不預報混沌未知的將來。

Scrying is divination of distant or future events based on visions seen in a ball of rock crystal 用水晶球占卜是遙遠或未來事件基于在無色水晶球虛擬可見的預言。

He was perfect in divination and often helped others reduce troubles , so he was respected by people 他非常精通卜算術,多次幫人排憂解難,深受人們尊重。

Therefore there will be night to you , without vision , and darkness to you , without divination 6所以你們必遭遇黑夜,沒有異象;又必遭遇幽暗,不能占卜。

He broke off suddenly and regarded martin . then , with a flash of divination , he saw the situation 他突然住了嘴,望了望馬丁,然后靈機一動,明白過來。

For there shall be no more any vain vision nor flattering divination within the house of israel 24從此,在以色列家中必不再有虛假的異象和奉承的占卜。

For there will no longer be vain vision or flattering divination within the house of israel 24從此,在以色列家中必不再有任何虛假的異象和奉承的占卜。

The contents of the book of changs include ancient chinese divination and cosmological beliefs 《易經》的內容包括古人卜卦的記錄和他們對宇宙的認識。

For there will be no more false visions or flattering divinations among the people of israel 24從此,在以色列家中必不再有虛假的異象和奉承的占卜。

Interpreting what you see in a crystal ball is like any other form of divination 解釋你在水晶球里看見的圖像如同做出的任何其它形式的預言一樣。

On dong zhongshu ' s theory of auspicious and disasterous signs and the rheology of confucianist divination 論董仲舒社會控制思想體系的理論基礎

Offers an a - z of lesser - known divination techniques , with single line definitions of each 含易經預測,足球天地,體育彩票,股票期貨等項目。

Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it . “ ' do not practice divination or sorcery 26你們不可吃帶血的物,不可用法術,也不可觀兆。

You shall not eat anything with the blood , nor practice divination or soothsaying 利19 : 26你們不可吃帶血的物不可用法術、也不可觀兆。