
divergent adj.1.叉開的,分歧的;背道而弛的。2.【物、數】發...

divergent adaptation

As the terminology of “ rights ” is used in different cases , they are actually indicated to divergent legal concepts 在不同含義上使用的“權利”這個詞,實際上指示的是幾種不同的概念。

The spokesman said , “ at present , there are divergent views within the community on the timetable of attaining universal suffrage 發言人說:當前香港社會就何時達至普選依然眾說紛云。

“ so naturally divergent cats were found and then bred so there is really no modification of the gene . “所以我們找出這些有自然差異的貓,再用他們繁殖后代。這不是人為地轉變基因。 ”

“ after taking into account the divergent views of the public , i have decided to maintain the status quo for now , “ he said 他說:考慮到社會上的分歧,我決定現階段不作任何調整。

“ so naturally divergent cats were found and then bred so there is really no modification of the gene . “所以我們找出這些有自然差異的貓,再用他們繁殖后代。這不是人為地轉變基因。 ”

“ after taking into account the divergent views of the public , i have decided to maintain the status quo for now , “ he said 他說:考慮到社會上的分歧,我決定現階段不作任何調整。

As the nursery teacher , they should guide the infants mainly through divergent thinking during their teaching process 作為幼兒教師,在授課時,更多的是發散性思維教育為主導。

That there are strong and divergent views in the community on this important subject is perfectly understandable 在這樣重大的課題上,社會各界有不同的意見,我是非常理解。

There are divergent views in the hong kong community on the interpretation of the provisions in the two annexes 香港社會對《基本法》附件一和附件二的規定的理解并不一致。

The divergent comprehensions of the concept of science and the various ways of the scientification of history in modern china 科學觀的歧義與中國近代科學史學的多重意蘊

There are divergent views in the community on the issues of principles relating to constitutional development 社會上對有關政制發展原則問題的討論十分廣泛,意見紛紜。

After taking into account the divergent views of the public , i have decided to maintain the status quo for now 過,考慮到社會上的分歧,我決定現階段不作任何調整。

Divergent features of economic development and regional economic integration of the shanghai , jiangsu and zhejiang areas 滬蘇浙經濟發展的趨異性特征及區域經濟一體化

Branching is a feature that allows a collection of files to evolve in two or more divergent paths 分支是一種允許一個文件集合分化到兩個或更多分叉路徑中的功能。

The generation of kinetic energy by divergent wind is the primary fact or to the change of cyclone intensity 發現低層的散度風制造是氣旋強度變化的主要原因。

The rifts therefore represent divergent plate boundaries where seafloor spreading is taking place 這樣,大洋中脊就成為板塊分離邊界,海底擴張就發生在這里。

The broad stability in the index masked divergent movements in its main components 綜合消費物價指數大致保持穩定,未能反映其主要組成項目走勢不一的情況。

While crafts were a family s heritage in the past , they are divergent and technology - oriented at present 這種改變,充分反應出傳統社會與現代社會的差異。

Experimental study on the influence of divergent thinking training on creativity of middle school students 發散思維訓練對62名初一學生創造力的影響