
dive n.1.潛水;【泳】跳水;【航空】俯沖,(潛艇)下潛,急...

dive bomber

He wasted no time, but dived among the forest of legs about him and disappeared . 他不失時機,馬上就往身邊那些樹林似的人腿當中一鉆,逃得無影無蹤了。

He looks like a bum who's been drowning his sorrows in sleazy dives . 他看起來象個游手好閑之輩,整天泡在骯臟的下等酒吧借酒消愁。

Gravity meters and their operators were lowered to the water bottom in diving bells . 重力儀及操作員們都在鐘形潛水器內沉到水底。

Lieutenant dove finished covering his bare legs with sand and groaned . 達夫海軍上尉在赤條條的腿上敷好了一層沙子,嘆了口氣。

Mr. marvel began to make frantic dives at panels that looked like doors . 馬弗爾先生開始猛烈地朝著家門一樣的墻板沖去。

He's the world's greatest diving instructor-if you can stomach him . 如果你能受得了的話,他是世界上最偉大的跳水教練。

He felt like diving into the snow and burying himself in its softness . 他很想沖進雪中,把自己投入它溫柔的懷抱里。

It was as if these men and boys had suddenly dived into past ages . 這些老老少少,好象一下又回到了太古時代。

For diving there's small sealed tank inside, the negative tank . 為了下潛,里邊還有個密封小水槽負槽。

The submarine dived . 潛水艇潛水了。

Our initial atlantic dives were filled with excitement . 我們初次潛入大西洋底時心情十分激動。

She had dived down into work . 她一直埋頭工作。

He dived out of the galley door . 他竄出廚房門。

He dived into an alley . 他突然跑進一小巷而消失。

The dove is a figure of peace . 鴿子是和平的象征。

He dived into the water and rescued the drowning boy . 他跳入水中,救起溺水的小孩。

We dived for cover when the storm started . 暴風雨來臨時,我們急忙尋找躲避的地方。

The plane dived sharply and then rose again .. 飛機筆直地俯沖下降,然后又升起。

John has been diving into the history of ancient rome . 約翰潛心研究古羅馬史。