
dither n.1.發抖,顫抖。2.〔口語〕(因興奮、恐怖等而引起的...

dither motor

Gary neville is warning united cannot afford to dither in denmark on wednesday evening against copenhagen , and has urged the reds to ensure qualification to the knockout phase with a win 加里內維爾在接受專訪時表示為了確保球隊能提前小組出線,球隊必須拿下本周三與丹麥哥本哈根的比賽。

Noting the reports remarks on dither difficulties experienced by persons with disabilities , the spokesman said : “ the government is fully committed to enhancing their employment opportunities 有關報告提及殘疾人士遇到的困難,發言人表示:政府致力促進殘疾人士的就業機會。

Gilmar veloz , mancini ' s agent , is due to meet with roma directors next week over a new contract and if there is any dithering from the giallorossi , aulas will pounce 小曼奇尼的經紀人,將在下星期就新合同與羅馬進行談判.如果羅馬對此有任何猶豫,奧拉斯將會進行突然襲擊

It is shown that dither frequency is proportional linearly to the temperature and the linear expression is achieved via repeative high - low temperature experiments 結果表明,抖動頻率與溫度具有較好的線性關系,抖動頻率可作為溫度測量的計量,而且具有較好的重復性。

In this paper the dithering of beam light , the undulating of beam intension , spread of the beam light and the dithering of image are introduced 摘要文中介紹了激光信號通過隨機大氣信道時,大氣湍流效應造成了光束抖動、強度起伏,光束擴展和像點抖動等現象。

It artificially softens the borders of shadows ; when the samples is set very low , you can expect poor results , so dither is better used with medium samples values 這樣可以逼真地銳化陰影的邊界;當采樣值很低時,效果很差,所以抖動和中度采樣值一起使用。

The best thing the administration and congress could do for the whole economy , … , is to rein in those deficits . yet on this vital front , all hands dither 政府與國會處理整體經濟上上之策, … …在于控制赤字。然而在此一極端重要層面,大家卻不能沉著應付。

After considerable dithering , hitler put the very able general von manstein in charge of the northern and threatened of these luckless armies 希特勒經過一番猶豫之后,委派非常精明干練的馮?曼斯坦因去指揮所有那些出師不利的部隊中最受威脅的北翼部隊。

Meanwhile , the interim government has dithered and bungled , dragging down the economy and making thaksinomics , for all its other flaws , look good 同時,臨時政府的糟糕表現拉跨了經濟而(不得不)使用他信經濟,因為臨時政府其它的弊病,看起來不錯。

It is important that when you reduce colors that you do not use dithering . the process can actually wind up increasing the size of your picture file 有一點很重要:在減少圖片顏色時,不要使用抖動功能。因為這樣會增加圖片文件的尺寸。

Structure that represents the dither origin for 8 - bits - per - pixel and 16 - bits - per - pixel dithering and is also used to set the origin for hatch brushes 結構,它表示8位/像素和16位/像素抖色處理的抖色原點,還用于設置陰影畫筆的原點。

Largely as a result of the media interest mr hunter created on the boat , president richard nixon fumed and the us supreme court dithered 很大一部分是因為鮑伯?杭特和他的船所制造的新聞熱,尼克森總統氣得冒煙,最高法院也踟躕良久。

Dither ? applies a sampling over the borders of the shadows , quite the same way anti - aliasing is applied by the osa button on the borders of an object 抖動在陰影邊界應用采樣,相同地,通過osa按鈕在物體邊界應用反走樣。

The mechanically dithered ring laser gyro ( mdrlg ) is playing a more and more important role in inertial strapdown systems in our country 采用機械抖動偏頻的激光陀螺在國內的捷聯慣性導航系統中正起到越來越重要的作用。

Dithering is a technique that blends your colors together , making them look smoother , or just creating interesting textures 抖動是關于顏色混合的技術,使你的作品看起來更圓滑,或者只是創作有趣的材質。

Finally the influence of facula dithering on the guidance precision is estimated using the influence factor for some of aircraft weapons 通過引入影響因子來評價光斑抖動對制導精度的影響。

Partly , this is because mr schwarzenegger did not dither like louisiana ' s governor , kathleen blanco , did 部分原因是因為施瓦辛格不像路易斯安娜州州長凱瑟琳?布蘭科那樣優柔寡斷。

6 transmission distance : mm 2km , sm 40 km , sm 60km , sm 120km 7 dithering speciality : fit g . 742 , g . 832 standard 6傳輸距離:多模2公里,單模40公里,單模60公里,單模120公里

But worse than the dithering is the fact that even further liability will be heaped upon the taxpayer 不過,比政局震動更糟的是,未來產生的負債都將轉嫁到納稅人身上。