
distraught adj.心神錯亂的;發狂的。 distraught wi...


Ellen , as though utterly distraught , declared through her tears that there was nothing to prevent her marrying ; that there were precedents they were but few at that time , but ellen quoted the case of napoleon and some other persons of exalted rank ; that she had never been a real wife to her husband ; that she had been dragged an unwilling victim into the marriage 那個人開始安慰她海倫則抽泣著說,好像陷入沉思,沒有任何情況能妨礙她結婚,這已經有了先例當時還少有這樣的例子,但她舉出拿破侖和另一些顯貴,她從來不是她法語:哼,男人的自私殘忍!我沒存什么奢望。

Perks , 35 , and another officer managed to get the distraught man on the ground , but he broke free and made a dash for the cliff edge . the constable threw himself after the man and managed to catch him on the way down with some clever acrobatics 現年35歲的珀克斯和另一名警官先是將這名發狂的輕生者從崖邊拉到安全的地面上,但是他掙脫了兩位警官,又沖到了懸崖邊上。

Commanding officers , who rode up to bagration looking distraught , regained their composure ; soldiers and officers greeted him cheerfully , recovered their spirits in his presence , and were unmistakably anxious to display their pluck before him 士兵和軍官們高高興興地向他致意,在他眼前,都變得更有活力了,顯然他們都要向他炫示一下自己的勇敢。

Just like someone who is drowning in the water looks wet and distraught ; he looks sick and pale , but the one who stands on the shore is still clean , beautifully dressed , and still powerful 就像一個人溺水時,看起來全身濕透、痛苦、難過、蒼白;而站在岸上的人依然乾凈、穿戴漂亮、充滿力量,可以把溺水的人拉上岸。

“ people who are more in love really are a little more upset after a breakup , but their perceptions about how distraught they will be are dramatically overstated when compared to reality , “ finkel said 芬克爾說: “愛得較深的人在分手后確實要更痛苦一些,但他們對自己痛苦的預期與實際情況相比,卻被大大高估了。 ”

“ eople who are more in love really are a little more upset after a breakup , but their perceptions about how distraught they will be are dramatically overstated when compared to reality , “ finkel said 芬克爾說: “愛得較深的人在分手后確實要更痛苦一些,但他們對自己痛苦的預期與實際情況相比,卻被大大高估了。 ”

Her eyes were large and patient , and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about 一雙大落落的柔順眼睛,里邊隱藏著無窮的心事,只有那些對于凄惶無告的窮苦人面目作過同情觀察的人才看得出來。

After shooting 21 - year - old university student david galvan in the neck , his uncle , rafael vargas , 35 , was so distraught he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide , police said 警方說,在朝21歲的大學生大衛蓋爾文的脖子射擊后,他的舅舅,拉斐爾沃爾葛斯, 35歲,難過發狂到把槍口朝向自己并且自殺。

“ i ' m always forgetting things , ” the distraught man grumbled to the psychiatrist . “ what should i do ? ” “ the first thing to do , ” the doctor prescribed , “ is pay me in advance “我老是忘掉事情。 ”心煩意亂的人對精神病醫生抱怨說, “我該怎么辦好呢? ” “第一件要做的事是, ”醫生指示說, “先付錢給我。 ”

The shopkeepers and shopmen they were few were walking about among the soldiers , like men distraught , opening and shutting their shops , and helping their assistants to carry away their wares 商人和掌柜人不太多像丟了魂似的在士兵中穿行,打開店鋪,進去再拴上門,然后同伙計一道把貨物搬往別處。

After all their effort building up a new car around the spare chassis , felipe massa ' s mechanics were distraught when he was taken out in the second corner melee 畢竟他們的所有精力都放在了用剩下的底盤打造一輛新的賽車上,當菲利普-馬薩在第二次彎道混戰中把車開出了賽道時,他的技師發了狂。

The 14 - year - old was told she couldn ' t , and went home distraught that afternoon in october 2003 . praying five times a day is a cornerstone of her muslim faith 老師跟14歲的艾爾薩瑪拉說不可以,當天下午她沒精打采的回到家。這是2003年5月的事情。一天祈禱5次是她的回教信仰里很重要的基礎。

Catherine was near distraught : still , she persisted that she must go home , and tried entreaty in her turn , persuading him to subdue his selfish agony 凱瑟琳幾乎是精神錯亂了:但她仍然堅持著一定要回家,而且這回輪到她來懇求了,勸他克制他那自私的苦惱。

Distraught , he appealed to police and media , telling the portsmouth news : “ i would do anything to get my bike back , i ' m emotionally attached to it . 他在樸次茅斯新聞報上表示: “我將不惜一切代價找回自己的自行車,在感情上我早已和它融為一體了。 ”

They do n ' t know what i love to eat . “ an experimental swap for one night between the families left both children distraught , and for now it will not be repeated 汶于告訴自己的養父: “我對那邊的大房子一點都不熟悉,我也不知道和他們說些什么。 ”

Bringing with us master s love and care - packages containing snacks and personal items , we visited the distraught residents who struggled to pull their lives together 帶著師父的愛及裝有點心與用品的愛心包,我們拜訪了那些驚魂未定的居民。

Chandler : my catholic friend is right . she ' s distraught . you ' re there for her . you pick up the pieces , and then you usher in the age of ross 錢勒:我的天主教朋友說得對,她心都碎了,而你在她身邊。你撿起碎片,然后就迎來了“羅斯時代” !

The heartless family immediately threw moo bing out onto the street . kao niew was distraught and alone once more . would kao niew and moo bing meet again 有一天,親戚發現了叉燒,教訓了蔻妞一頓,并把叉燒送到走了,他們會否有重逢的一天?

Distraught chelsea fans sang the praises of ex boss jose mourinho last night ? and blamed owner roman abramovich for his departure 昨晚,激進的切爾西球迷高唱著隊前主教練穆利尼奧的贊揚之歌,并同時譴責阿布德離開。