
distinguish vt.1.區別;辨別,識別,判別。2.(通過耳、目等)辨...


His mind could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality . 他的頭腦已經不再能分清幻覺和現實。

These various distinguished individuals came and went, singly as a rule . 這些著名人物照例是獨來獨往。

Lucy was all exultation on being so honourably distinguished . 如此榮幸地受到賞識,露西簡直欣喜若狂。

My brother is a most distinguished man-and great actor . 我弟弟可是一個出類拔萃的人--一個杰出的演員。

We distinguish ultrashort, short, medium, and long waves . 我們將其分為超短波,短波、中波和長波輻射。

I know nobody who distinguishes characters better than her . 我認識的人當中還沒有一個比她更能判斷人。

He was ashamed of his own rusticity in that distinguished company . 在那伙人當中他因自己粗俗而慚愧。

Three main variations of the ancient greek speech are distinguished . 古希臘語區分為三個主要的變型。

His mind could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality . 他的頭腦已不再能分清幻覺和現實。

It's a privilege to serve such a distinguished rummy as you . 能侍候上象您這樣的酒鬼,真是三生有幸。

Such as he had were of distinguished origin and authentic . 他所收藏的東西是著名的作品,而且是真品。

The doctor was in his fifties, graying and distinguished . 那位醫生,五十來歲,頭發花白,儀表端莊。

Thus, an azeotrope can readily be distinguished from a compound . 因此很容易區別共沸物和化合物。

The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career . 她那漫長而成就斐然的生涯已告結束。

We can distinguish between paved runway and unpaved areas . 我們能分清鋪砌的跑道和未鋪砌的地方。

Job enrichment should be distinguished from job enlargement . 工作豐富化和工作擴大化應加以區分。

He distinguished the choice open to him of forward or back . 他還權衡著他究竟應該前進還是后退。

I think gray hair makes you look rather distinguished . 我覺得你灰白的頭發使你看上去很有尊嚴。

The chief distinguishing feature is their tenacity of life . 其主要特征就是他們生命力之堅強。