
distinction n.1.差別,區別;區分。2.特征,特性,個性。3.優越...


The moor who has made a pilgrimage to mecca is entitled to high distinction . 摩耳人,凡是朝拜過圣地麥加的,就有資格享有崇高稱號。

Empirically, the distinction between active and idle balances is elusive . 在實際生活中,活動余額和閑置余額的區別是難以捉摸的。

Everyone appreciates the obvious distinctions among solids, liquids, and gases . 任何人都明白固體、液體、氣體之間的顯著差別。

Edwards in particular has been put forward as an author of great intellectual distinction . 愛德華茲更被視為學識淵博的作家。

The distinction is based on the direction of apparent movement along the fault fracture . 分類的根據是沿著斷裂的視運動方向。

As with plato, there is no clear distinction between the state and society . 正如柏拉圖所說,國家同社會之間沒有明確的差別。

This tells you that there is a specific distinction between the right and the wrong . 這件事告訴你是與非是有明確的區別的。

Does your sister make no distinction in her objections against a second attachment ? 您妹妹是毫無例外地反對第二次戀愛嗎?

We make this distinction because continuous variables are rounded . 我們之所以作出這樣的區別是因為連續變量是四舍五入的。

This method enables a distinction to be made between a “peak“ and a “summit“ . 這方法可在“峰”和“頂點”之間作出區別。

A distinction is often made between “positive“ and “negative“ eugenics . 對“積極”優生學和“消極”優生學往往加以區分。

She had the distinction of being the first woman to swim the channel . 她卓爾不群,因為她是第一個橫渡英吉利海峽的女子。

The distinction between contact and noncontact forces is not fundamental . 接觸力與非接觸力的區別并不是根本的區別。

Practitioners ought to take account of the significance of subtle distinctions . 從業者應考慮到細小差別的重大意義。

A still more difficult distinction is that between a sharp flexure and a fault . 區別尖銳的撓曲和斷層更加困難。

They were received with great distinction by the captain and his officers . 他們受到艦長和全體軍官的熱烈歡迎。

His writing is formless, clumsy, and quite without distinction . 他的作品卻缺乏形式之美,笨拙粗糙,涉入凡庸。

There is no doubt the foreign service served me with distinction . 毫無疑問,外交人員出色地輔佐了我的工作。

I offer you, now, no distinction among a bustling crowd . 現在,我要奉獻給你的不是蕓蕓眾生之間顯赫的地位。