
distinct adj.1.獨特的,性質不同的 (from)。2.清楚的...

distinct roots

The colors of the rainbow are very distinct and have led to the phrase “the seven colors of the rainbow“ . 虹的顏色很清晰,固而有彩虹七色的說法。

One should see the processes of growth in distinct and somewhat separable stages . 生長的過程應當看成是有差別的、多少可以分開的幾個階段所構成的。

The principal directions corresponding to two distinct principal strains are orthogonal . 和兩個不同的主脅變相對應的主方向是互相正交的。

In metal lubrication two distinct regions are recognized: boundary and hydrodynamic . 在金屬的潤滑作用中存在兩個不同區段:邊界和流體區。

The problems of shielding from thermal and nuclear radiations are thus quite distinct . 因此防御熱輻射與防御核輻射的問題是完全不同的。

If she went away there would be a distinct gulf that would not soon be overcome . 倘使她出走了,就會產生一時不能克服的,顯著的鴻溝。

I began to be aware of myself as a distinct personality striving against others . 我開始意識到自己是個與眾不同的人,不斷在跟別人斗。

The possibility of making distinct races by crossing has been greatly exaggerated . 對于雜交可能產生特殊品種一說,實在夸張過甚。

Plant cells are subdivided into several morphologically distinct compartments . 植物細胞進一步分為一些形態上不同的空間間隔。

She was trying to remain calm , but there was a distinct edge to her voice . 她竭力想保持冷靜,但她的聲音中卻顯然帶著怒氣。

Probability theory has two distinct roles in the design of rock slopes . 概率理論在巖石邊坡設計中有兩個性質不同的作用。

But two distinct translations attached to these dumb expressions . 但是,這些大自然的無聲的信息,具有雙重直接的含意。

There are infinitely many real numbers between any two distinct real numbers . 在任何兩個實數之間都有無窮多個實數。

The rising bubbles will induce a distinct circulation of solid in the bed . 上升氣泡引起床層中一種明顯的固體循環。

Obstruction of the ileum by stone leads to distinct clinical pictures . 回腸膽結石梗阻可引起各種明顯的臨床征象。

In science, as in life, learning and knowledge are distinct . 在科學中,就象在生活中一樣,學問和知識是兩碼事。

He was clear and distinct in every corroborative circumstance . 他對于每一點有關的情節都講得很清楚,很明了。

Rehabilitation of prisoners may carry three distinct meanings . 刑事犯的恢復聲譽可能包括三個截然不同的含義。

Love and marriage are two intentions that go by separate and distinct roads . 愛情與婚姻是兩股道上跑的車。