
distend vi.擴張;膨脹。 The sea distended ...


The main pictures are as follows : distended rough endoplasmic retieula ; remarkably decreased number of rough endoplasmic relicula and degranulstion ; dilatated and vacuolized smooth endoplssmic reticola ; swollened nad deformed mitochondria ; destroyed structure of mitoehondria ; remarkable decrease in glycogenosomes , even disapparence of glycogenosomes 主要表現為:粗面內質網擴張,數量明顯減少,并有脫顆粒現象;滑面內質網擴張呈空泡狀;線粒體腫脹、變形,結構遭到破壞;糖原顆粒明顯減少,甚至消失。

It is affected by a lot of factors , if we differentiate these factors and analysis the charges of students “ physical learning because of the effects of these factors , we will find a new way to teaching reform in physics , and expand the distending of course reform in physics 高、初中物理教學銜接問題受多種因素的影響,充分認識影響高、初中物理教學銜接問題的因素,以及在各種影響作用下,學生的物理學習發生了什么不同,有助于提供物理教學改革的新視野,擴展對物理課程改革的理解。

But as before the lightning the serried stormclouds , heavy with preponderant excess of moisture , in swollen masses turgidly distended , compass earth and sky in one vast slumber , impending above parched field and drowsy oxen and blighted growth of shrub and verdure till in an instant a flash rives their centres and with the reverberation of the thunder the cloudburst pours its torrent , so and not otherwise was the transformation , violent and instantaneous , upon the utterance of the word 293然而閃電之前,密集的雨云因含濕氣過多變得沉甸甸的,膨脹起來。大團大團地蔓延,圍住天與地,使其處于深沉的酣睡狀態并低垂在干涸的原野困倦的牛和枯萎的灌木叢與新綠的嫩葉上。接著,剎那間閃光將它們一劈兩半,隨著雷聲轟鳴,大雨傾盆而下。

Methods : using high - frequency ultrasound mammary glands of 63 married parous women ( age range 22 - 67 years ) who had the history of menstrual distending pain of the breast and who were noticed to have breast nodes were examined and pathologically classified according the who standard 方法:用高頻探頭對年齡在22 ~ 67歲,有婚孕史,伴有或不伴有月經期乳腺脹痛,有乳腺結節的63例患者的乳腺進行檢查,按世界衛生組織( who )乳腺結構不良病理分型,分析乳腺異常聲像圖。

The system of the death sentence with a reprieve should distend gradually on the basis of coordinating and district the execute promptly on capital punishment , then make it an independent penalty , at last , the capital punishment should be abated completely in our country 我國死緩制度應在自身整合完善的基礎上,逐步擴張,限制死刑立即執行的適用,進而使死緩成為一個獨立刑種,最終達到我國完全廢除死刑的目的。

This model shows the morphology of the stomach in a moderate distended state . with the longitudinal section , the model shows the structures of the gastric folds , pyloric valve , pyloric sphincter muscles , gastric mucosa and the transitional mucosa of the gastric - esophagus 本模型作縱剖,顯示胃在中等度膨脹時的形狀,顯示:黏膜壁、幽門瓣、幽門括約肌、胃黏膜以及由食管向胃移行之黏膜等構造。

Principle : it is adoping tattered dose to blend inner place the pouing perforate against water , utilizes such water action to come into being swelling the pressu ` re , by the rock , confuses soil forms piece and so on the brittleness substance distends to crack either cuts 原理:它是采用破碎劑與水混合灌入鉆孔中內,利用其水化作用產生膨脹壓力,將巖石、混泥土構件等脆性物體脹裂或切割。

She was terribly upset , very tearful and agitated , and he found it hard to get her to keep to the point , but she declared again and again that the tin had not been distended in any way and that the lobster had appeared to her in a perfectly good condition 她十分的混亂可怕,激動得淚流滿面,他發現想要使她平靜實在太困難,她一遍又一遍的重復罐子并沒有被故意丟掉,龍蝦也是用的最優質的。

Distended abdomen , is a symptom that the stomach and below the stomach , the whole avdomen distends . by massaging the related points , it can smooth the qi and stop the distension , adjust the pain caused by the stagnant qi 腹脹是指胃脘以下的整個腹部脹滿的一種癥狀,按摩身體相關穴位可以利氣止脹,調節氣滯所帶來的疼痛。

Flex : what effect does the ifbb advisory , which in part states that distended stomachs - - something you ' ve been criticized for in the past - - will be penalized , have on your olympia game plan and mindset Ifbb的顧問團剛提出說太過突出的腹部- - -你以前經常被批評的弱項- - -將會被罰分,對你的準備奧賽計劃有什么影響嗎?

As the residue capacity of the gastric pouch is only about 20ml , patients have to eat small amount of food slowly , or they will develop vomiting and distending pain 由于手術后胃部的容量只剩下約二十毫升,所以除進食份量須減少外,進食速度亦須減慢,否則便會出現嘔吐及漲痛的感覺。

Deep convulsions , combined with the pressure of radiation and other forces , heave the distended and loosely bound surface layers outward into space , creating a planetary nebula 深層的擾動,結合輻射壓與其他作用力,將脹大而松散的表層高高舉起,向外拋入太空中,創造出行星狀星云。

Because of its rarity beyond the neonatal period , prompt diagnosis depends on maintaining a high index of suspicion when the abdomen is distended and suddenly tender to palpation 由于這樣的表現很少出現在非嬰兒時期的孩童,因此提出此病例,以供日后診斷時參考。

Bladder 1 . a modified leaf , found on the stems of members of the bladderwort family , that develops into a distended structure for trapping small invertebrates 浮囊1在貍藻科植物的莖中發現的經過修飾的葉,可以擴大為一種結構用來捕獲小型的無脊椎動物。

Cystourethroscopy showed normal urethra without definite obstructive lesion , severe distended bladder with marked trabeculation 尿道膀胱鏡檢發現膀胱有明顯小梁形成及逼尿肌肥厚;但尿道無阻塞性病灶。

If the pressure is not able to be equalized , the eardrum will be distended , causing pain or temporary impairment of hearing 如不能取得平衡,鼓膜eardrum便會因此而膨脹,導致耳痛或暫時性失聰。

He had mild respiratory distress , bilateral parotid enlargement , a distended abdomen , pitting oedema and digital clubbing 他有輕度呼吸窘迫,雙側腮腺腫大,腹脹,可凹性水腫,杵狀指。

Curative effect : the distending pain in hepatic region usually alleviates three days after taking medicine 服后反應:一般服用后3天開始肝部脹痛減輕。

Swollen or distended beyond normal size by fluid or gaseous material 腫脹的液體或氣體材料超過正常尺寸的腫脹或膨脹