
distant adj.1.遠,遠方的,遠離的,遠隔的;相距(若干路程)...

distant signal

The most distant object for which an image can be formed on the retina is then nearer than infinity . 這時,能成象在視網膜上的最遠物體比無窮遠近。

In that treeless waste an object could be seen at half a day's journey distant . 在那片寸草不生的荒地上,隔開半天路程的距離,才能看得見一樣東西。

She had always felt distant from her own people, even as she lived among them . 對她自己的親人她始終感到落落寡合即使她生活在他們中間時也不親近。

The time was not far distant when this aspect of the progressive movement would come to fruition . 進步運動的這一方面獲得成功的時日已經不遠。

Whatever was happening in his distant body now, he could not change or stop . 此刻,不論在他那遙遠的軀體里發生了什么,他都無法改變或阻止它。

The hooting of a distant owl was all the sound that troubled the dead still . 遠處一只貓頭鷹唬唬的叫聲是唯一打攪那死一般的沉寂的聲音。

The newly plowed fields were black banners fallen on the distant slope . 剛剛犁過的一塊塊耕地,猶如覆蓋在遠處斜坡上的一面面黑色大旗。

Those beautiful, distant blue eyes were very intelligent and very hard to fool . 那雙美麗的、深邃的眼睛是非常聰明的,不易被人愚弄的。

They think that the oil under the surface of the earth originated in the distant past . 他們認為地下的石油在遠古時期就開始形成。

Are you by any chance a distant relative or an old family friend of mr. roosevelt ? 你是不是剛巧是羅斯福先生的遠親或者世交?

A lux is a measure of the illumination given by a light to a distant surface . 勒克斯是光對于遙遠表面的照明度的量度單位。

Those embedded in gravel or sand would not endure to a distant epoch . 那些被沙礫所埋藏的,也不能保存到久遠時代。

There is no such check on the expansion of distant future outputs . 對較遠將來的產量而言,其擴充并不受這種限制。

Scholars ventured into distant kingdoms and observed their customs . 學者們冒險到遙遠的王國去觀察那里的風俗。

But she had the vague, distant look i mentioned before . 可是她有著我以前提到過的那種茫然的捉摸不到的神氣。

In the stillness of night the ringing of a distant bell could be heard . 夜深人靜的時候可以聽到遠處的鐘聲。

It is an emanation from the distant orb of immortal light . 它是從遠處那個發出不滅之光的天體上放射出來的。

Thailand could be adaptable in its dealing with distant empires . 泰國與遠方的帝國打交道時可以應付裕如。

The nearest member of my family still alive is a rather distant cousin . 我家在世的近親是我的遠房堂兄。