
dissident adj. 持不同意見的(人) (opinions dis...


The easy bits of the ex - communist world ? fast - growing countries run by former dissidents or suave businessmen , their capitals filled with gems of hanseatic or habsburg architecture ? joined the club in 2004 很容易就加入了的前共產主義的地區- - - -都是由持不同政見者或者溫和的商人領導的快速發展的國家,它們的首都到處都是商業同業公會的珍品或者哈普斯堡皇室式樣的建筑- - - -他們是2004年加入的。

If the revolutionary class of 1989 comprised middle - aged dissidents and intellectuals graduating from underground bookclubs to the barricades , the class of the new millennium is a revolutionary vanguard that is media savvy 如果1989年的革命成員主要是中年的知識份子和異議份子,從組織地下讀書會到走上街頭搭起路障,新千禧年的革命份子則顯然對媒體操作相當?熟。

Totalitarian regimes can filter content on the web and use it to track dissidents , but human ingenuity means that attempts to block the flow of information altogether are doomed to fail 極權主義的政體能夠對網絡的內容進行過濾并使用它來追蹤那些持反對政見的團體,但是人類別出心裁的網絡設計卻警示了我們任何試圖要阻止信息流的行為都終歸要遭受失敗。

America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains , or that women welcome humiliation and servitude , or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies 美國不會裝模作樣地默認被關押的異議者自我選擇了枷鎖,也不會默認婦女成為可恥的代名詞,看著她們變成奴仆,同樣不會默認任何人類的一員仰人鼻息地生活。

We continue to call for the release of dissidents such as wei jingsheng and wang dan , who have been sentenced without due process to long prison terms for their non - violent advocacy of democracy 在面對不受疆界限制的危險,即大規模毀滅性武器擴散或恐怖主義及國際犯罪等問題時,若要達到民眾要求的安全,我們必須訂定新的優先要務。

“ we find no consolation or comfort ” , wrote the dissidents , “ in the rise of grandiose sports facilities , or a temporarily beautified beijing city , or the prospect of chinese athletes winning medals 這些持不同政見者寫道, “宏偉的體育設施或者短時間會漂亮的北京城建成,抑或是中國運動員獲得獎牌,都不會讓我們感到絲許慰籍。

Outspoken newspapers have been closed or their editors sacked , pressure on non - governmental organisations has been stepped up and dissidents who have posted their views on the internet have been jailed 高聲批判政府的報紙受到停刊處分;或者更迭編輯;對非政府組織的壓力在急劇增加;在互聯網上發表意見的反亂分子被捕入獄。

It has played an important positive role to crackdown on political dissidents and consolidate the new political power . at that time , its reasonableness and appropriateness was beyond doubt 勞動教養制度的創設,對于打擊政治異己、鞏固新生政權發揮了重要的積極作用,在當時的政治語境中,其合理性和正當性是不容置疑的。

Allegations of mistreatment and torture in these facilities are all too common . unfortunately , china has found its extensive administrative justice system a convenient mechanism with which to control dissidents and activists 科扎克說,毛恒鳳被強制關進精神病院是“中國精神病設施被濫用的令人震驚的事例” 。

The enterprises short of competitive encouragement system have become the dissident and burden for the society , therefore , it is necessary that competitive system to be introduced into monopoly trade 現實中缺乏競爭激勵機制的公用企業成了社會的異己和負擔,因此,有必要在壟斷行業引入競爭機制。

Rodrigo says his dissident sympathies are well known in his town , but he is not denounced by the president of his local cdr because he sells clothes to the man ' s wife 羅德里格說道他對異己的同情在他的鎮上是出了名的,但是他并沒有遭到地方革命防御委員會主席的譴責,因為他要賣衣物給主席的妻子。

And this concern is equally shared by many chinese dissidents - including wang xizhe , who spent 14 years in prison and escaped re - arrest last fall by fleeing to the united states 只要這筆金額中的一小部份,我們就可以與其他捐贈國及非洲國家合作,幫助他們有效快速地因應該片土地上的危機。

In communist russia , dissidents were sentenced to forced treatment in psychiatric hospitals , not because they were mentally ill , but because they had wrong thoughts 在共產主義下的俄羅斯,異見分子往往被判入住精神病醫院,強迫接受治療,原因不是他們患上精神病,而是因為他們思想不正確。

Stalin ' s lysenkoism starved millions when the ideologically correct wheat failed to grow and anyone who pointed this out was sent to dissident prison 斯大林的李森科主義讓數百萬人挨餓,因為意識形態上正確的麥子種植失敗,而指出這個事實的人都被送進持不同政見者監獄。

A geostation penitentiary that loses a subversive dissident frozen for the past 30 years and a young woman of unknown origin , with blue hair and tears . . . .突然,紐約上空出現神秘金字塔,空降一群擁有神魔力量的不速之客,目標是尋找一個流著藍色眼淚的女子。

Still languishing inside various jails are 61 of the 75 dissidents who were arrested in march 2003 during an unprecedented clampdown on political opponents 在2003年3月在一次前所未有的對政治反對派的取締中被捕的75名異議者中還有61名仍然在監獄中煎熬。

The few dissidents on the island , supported by the united states but infiltrated by the cuban security services , pose no threat to mr castro 古巴島上極少數異己已對老卡斯特羅造成不了任何威脅,而他們是由美國支持的,但里面混入了古巴安全機構的情報員。

The dissident says that any change in cuba will be positive , mainly if people understand that democracy comes from diversity 古巴一些異議人士對未來持謹慎樂觀態度。曾經流亡海外的古巴人蒙諾尤說,他希望經濟和政治變革能夠在政局平穩的情況下實現。

7 are the russians , who are often criticized for their adoption of “ western “ ways by tsarist dissidents in exile , members of western civilization 經常被流亡中的擁護沙皇的持不同政見者指責為采用“西方”方式的俄羅斯人是不是西方文明的成員?