
dissemble vt.1.掩飾(感情、動機等)。2.假裝。3.假裝不見。...


Eam optimizes and allocates properly the maintenance resources workflow technology is originated from production and office automation aims at completely or partly realizing the automation of a flow according to certain rules by dissembling a task into well - defined sub - tasks and roles , in the process of which files , information or tasks are automatically transferred among participants 它以提高資產可利用率、降低企業運行維護成本為目標,以優化企業維修資源為核心,通過信息化手段,合理安排維修計劃及相關資源與活動,從而提高企業的經濟效益和企業的市場競爭力。本文源于校企合作項目“資產管理系統eam ”工作流子系統的開發中的工作流定義服務。

So it i s convenient integration of this mid - ware product with other products in pki standard , each module should be used separately or cooperatively with other pki products and can be dissembled dynamically as well as provides standard interfaces according to the microsoft structure , and finally designed the mini application ( namely mini certificate award system ) with pki structure based on the information security system 所有實現模塊嚴格按照pkcs標準設計,因此該信息安全系統所有模塊能方便地與其他標準pki產品兼容,各模塊既可單獨使用又可和其他pki產品組合使用,各模塊均是可動態拆卸的,并根據微軟體系結構提供標準接口。最后實例開發應用此信息安全系統的小型pki體系(即小型證書頒發機構) 。

A wariness of mind he would answer as fitted all and , laying hand to jaw , he said dissembling , as his wont was , that as it was informed him , who had ever loved the art of physic as might a layman , and agreeing also with his experience of so seldom seen an accident it was good for that mother church belike at one blow had birth and death pence and in such sort deliverly he scaped their questions 彼為人謹慎,為了做出迎合眾人心意之答復,手托下顎,乃按習慣詭稱: “吾雖外行,卻摯愛醫術目睹如此罕見之事件,吾以為母親教會如能同時拿到誕生與死亡之獻金41 ,確為一舉兩得之好事。 ”遂用此言岔開彼等之質疑。

Li tong have over 10 years experience in electronic accessories reuse and recycling and have developed a number of innovative environmental schemes include training , consultancy services , reverse logistics , dissembling , shredding and recycling processes 俐通在電子產品的重新使用和回收循環業務上已有超過十年經驗,并且已經積極發展多項革新的環境改善計畫,包括:環境培訓、顧問服務、逆物流、拆解、破碎、和回收處理等。

For ye dissembled in your hearts , when ye sent me unto the lord your god , saying , pray for us unto the lord our god ; and according unto all that the lord our god shall say , so declare unto us , and we will do it 耶42 : 20你們用詭詐自害因為你們請我到耶和華你們的神那里、說、求你為我們禱告耶和華我們神、照耶和華我們的神一切所說的告訴我們、我們就必遵行。

Bernard birsinger , the suburb ' s communist mayor , accused mr . chirac of fear - mongering and dissembling when he predicted political and economic doom for france if the country rejected the constitution 伯納德.伯辛格,市郊一位信奉共?主義的市長指責希拉克散布恐懼心理以及掩飾問題。希拉克曾預言法國拒絕此憲法會帶來政治和經濟的末日。

No , corrosion was observed on the submerged production pump after its return on the surface , nor in the production pipes which were shown , for the statements of the hydraulic testing manager , surprisingly easy to dissemble 水利測試經理難掩驚訝地說,在將潛水生產泵拉回地面時,發現無腐蝕狀況,而生產管線也沒有出現腐蝕。

Article 6 high technical products , samples for dissembling and testing imported by the enterprises shall be released free of duty by the customs against the approval documents of the verifying department 第六條企業進口為拆解、試驗用的高技術產品、樣品、樣機等,海關驗憑開發區審批部門的批件并予以審核后免稅放行。

You can hardly doubt the purport of my discourse , however your natural delicacy may lead you to dissemble ; my attentions have been too marked to be mistaken 盡管你天性羞怯,假癡假呆,可是我對你的百般殷勤,已經表現得非常明顯,你一定會明白我說話的用意。

This contract would be automatically terminated in the condition the damages caused of repair , maintenance , dissemble etc . by the third party permitted by party a 4甲方允許非乙方技術人員維修、維護、拆卸設備及附件或造成設備損壞,本合同自行作廢。

We can provide one - stop - services for all relocation needs , including dissemble , packaging , moving , installation , and manual test run to auto run 對既有設備及生產線進行解體,捆包,搬出,設置,動作確認的一系列的作業

Tissue subjects are absorbed and dissembled , and normal tissue around them has never got hurt , which makes the skin glabrous and fine 目標組織被分解吸收,而周圍的組織不受任何損傷,皮膚變得光潔細膩。

But passion most dissembles , yet betrays , even by its darkness ; as the blackest sky foretells the heaviest tempest 感情藏的再深,也會暴露,甚至正是因為遮蔽它的黑暗;正如滿天陰霾預示著暴風驟雨。

Common faults and control of water pumps , water pumps dissembling , daily inspections , routine maintenance , etc 動力裝置維修水泵常見故障及控制、水泵拆卸、日常水泵檢查、定期維修等

And the other jews dissembled likewise with him ; insomuch that barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation 13其馀的猶太人,也都隨著他裝假。甚至連巴拿巴也隨裝假。

The reason for the door frame splitting open in 45 degrees angle is mainly because of carelessness in carrying or dissembling 安裝后門框45度角裂開,主要是搬運或分拆時造成。

Families that quarrel in the privacy of the home do well do dissemble when they to out to dinner 他們在家大吵大鬧,但是出門就餐時則裝作若無其事。 /家丑不可外揚。

“ oh , nothing particular , “ catherine answered , dissembling for the first time in her life “沒有什么特別” ,凱瑟琳答道。這是她生來第一次說話躲躲閃閃。

The fox , dissembling the real danger of his case , replied : “ come down , my friend . 狐貍掩飾起他的真實危險處境,回答說: “下來吧,我的朋友。 ”