
disposable adj.1.可(任意)處理的,用后就扔棄的。2.可自由使...

disposable income

Plastics laboratory ware - disposable serological pipettes 實驗室塑料制品器皿.可處理的血清移液管

Specification for small disposable fire extinguishers of the aerosol type 小型輕便噴霧滅火器規范

Disposable masks should not be reused 拋棄式口罩不可重覆使用。

I bet the entirety of his disposable income has been dedicated . . 我敢打賭他所有可支配的錢. .

Standard specification for glass westergren tube , disposable 一次性韋斯特格倫玻璃試管的標準規范

Disposable drugs for disposable patients 卑微病人只能用劣質藥品

Nonrefillable disposable type metal container assemblies for butane 丁烷氣用一次性金屬容器組件

Standard specification for disposable glass serological pipets 一次性玻璃制血清吸管的標準規范

Standard specification for serological pipet , disposable plastic 一次性塑料血清移液管標準規范

Melting point type disposable fever thermeometer 熔點型消耗式溫度計

It is not party bags or disposable toys , but time 它不是聚會食物或者一次性玩具,而是時間。

He used me like a disposable camera 他利用我,把我當成一次性照相機

Bring your own mug so you don t have to use disposable paper cups 自備水杯,避免使用紙杯。

Disposable pulp products for use in healthcare 保健用一次性紙漿制品

Discussion on medical disposable materials saving 談醫用耗材資源節約

Standard specification for disposable glass culture tubes 一次性生物培養玻璃試管的標準規范

I bet the entirety of his disposable income has been dedicated 我敢打賭他所有可支配的錢

Use your own cup or glass instead of disposable paper cups 用杯子或玻璃杯代替一次性紙杯。

Control of high cost medical disposable 論如何加強高值醫療耗材的管理