
dismal adj.1.陰郁的,慘淡的,凄涼的;憂郁的,(叫聲等)凄...


The boy remained as dismal as a hearse 那孩子仍然看上去像口棺材,死氣沉沉。

Sickness or bad luck often makes a person feel dismal 病痛背運常會使人情緒低落。

She works in a dismal little room in the attic 她在閣樓上的一間爛小房間里工作。

A dismal book ; a dismal performance on the cello 乏味的書;沉悶無趣的大提琴演奏

A grey february day in a dismal suburb 是在灰暗的二月的一天,在一個陰沉沉的郊區

Who could have thought that such a pretty rose could grow in a porter's lodge, or bloom in that dismal old flower-pot of a shepherd's inn ? 誰能想到,這么一朵鮮花卻生長在看門人的小屋子里,在牧羊人草屋這只陰沉破舊的花盆里也能開出這么漂亮的花朵!

He tossed about until the appearance of the dismal london daylight, when he sprang up desperately, and walked off to his uncle's lodgings in bury street . 他翻來覆去,等到倫敦那陰沉的白天開始出現曙光,便一骨碌爬了起來,前往柏利街他叔父的寓所。

In fact, the horn alarmed most of the inhabitants, who crowded to their windows and doors to gaze upon the dismal procession as it passed . 事實上,喇叭聲驚動了大部分居民,他們都爬上窗口或擠在門口望著這支路過的陰郁凄慘的隊伍。

It was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways . 因為那寡婦一舉一動都很講究那些死氣沉沉的規矩和體面,在她家里過日子可真是一天到晚活受罪。

The fox, who had attended the steps of his fell mistress, uttered a dismal howl, and ran cowering back to the inner cave . 那只剛才跟在它的殘忍的女主人后面走來的狐貍,發出一聲凄厲的嚎叫,哆嗦著奔回洞窟里去。

This dismal sales performance promoted an evaluation of the partnership by senior management in both baker and amcoal . 這種蕭條的銷售狀況促使貝克公司與阿姆柯公司的高層領導人對合資企業的情況作了一次檢查。

The strikes which gave british industry such a dismal reputation are far fewer and mostly confined to the public sector . 為英國工業界帶來不好名聲的罷工運動減少了很多,而且罷工大多發生在國有化工業部門。

They reached the corner house in an angle of a dismal street, through the open door of which two men had just gone in . 他們走到一條陰森森的街道拐角上的房子,兩個男人剛從敞開的大門走了進去。

Clyde saw his possible marriage to the girl as a dismal ending to all his hopes for a bright future . 克萊德認為,要是他不得不與這姑娘結婚,那么他想要青云直上的一切希望都將化為泡影。

Thus, he was thunderstruck when he heard the truth, and received a dismal confession from pen . 這樣,他一知道事實真相,聽到潘愁眉苦臉的向他說明一切之后,真是大吃一驚。

The dismal english effort in the third anglo-dutch conflict of 1672-1674 requires minimal space here . 但是英國在16721674年第三次英荷戰爭中表現消沉,在此毋需贅述。

He got it out, rumpled and wilted and it mightily increased his dismal felicity . 他把它拿出來,一看已經皺成一團,而且枯萎了;這大大地增加了他那種凄涼中的幸福情調。

It was a very dubious-looking, nay a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless . 這是一個非常朦朧的、且非常黑暗而陰沉的夜晚,天氣冷徹肌膚,了無生趣。

Celia, despite the dismal surroundings, had a sense of sharing in a moment to be remembered . 盡管周圍的環境令人掃興,西莉亞仍感到她正置身于一個值得紀念的時刻。