
disintegrate vt.1.使崩潰,使瓦解。2.使分裂,使分解,分化。 a...


“ preliminary ballistics report . no arms recovered . disintegrated on impact “主要子彈調查,沒有發現彈頭因碰撞變形”

Flakes soften quickly without disintegrating and do not sink rapidly 魚片特性:入水可很快軟化且不會崩解更不會馬上下沉

Verification regulation of speedrand milage meter for non - disintegrated cars 裝入機動車輛后的車速里程表試行檢定規程

Bioequivalence of glipizide orally disintegrating tablets in healthy volunteers 格列吡嗪口崩片的人體生物等效性試驗

But the bonds between my parents and sisters continued to disintegrate 但父母與我們姐妹間的關系仍在分崩離析。

The paper burned with a yellow and blue flame and then disintegrated 紙被一道黃藍色的火苗吞噬,然后化成了灰。

A few months later , as the forces of the republic began to disintegrate . . 數月以后,共和黨人的軍隊開始潰敗

Ability of disintegrating amylum of b . subtilis hy - 02 producing - amylase 淀粉酶的枯草芽胞桿菌分解淀粉的能力

A few months later , as the forces of the republic began to disintegrate 數月以后,共和黨人的軍隊開始潰敗

Lesson that the soviet union disintegrates and party building of new period 蘇聯解體的教訓與新時期的黨建

Application of iteration - disintegrating algorithm in scrambler synthesis 分解算法在擾亂器綜合中的應用

Does a phenomenon such as a disintegrated scm exist 一個現象例如像是一個被分解的供應鏈管理存在嗎?

The new tendency of disintegrating marxism of western marxism research 解構馬克思主義的新動向

I was , if anything , disintegrated ; and i was puzzled 其實應該說,我是頑劣不羈,頭腦迷糊的。

Has disintegrated into utter chaos as the u . s . evacuated . . 已經瓦解成絕對的混亂局面. .

Nepal ' s civil structure is disintegrating 尼泊爾的社會結構正逐漸解體。

There s no point in a disintegrated life 一種不完備的生活是沒有意義的。

You stop using it and your face disintegrates 停止使用它,你的臉就會分解

The plane flew into a mountain and disintegrated on impact 飛機沖向一座山,撞得粉碎