
disincentive n.(生產等方面的)障礙因素。adj.(對生產等)起阻礙...


Conversations about patient expectations or educating patients often focus on opportunities for influencing the demand for care , with the intent of reducing costs , improving outcomes , or both . however , actual efforts to reshape demand are remarkable few , and often rely simply on blunt disincentives like copayment or barriers like gatekeeping or queues 對于病患期望的訪談或病患的衛教,焦點常放在影響照護上的需求,藉以降低成本,改善照護結果然而將需求具體化的卻是相當的少,并且通常僅靠令人感到挫折如部份負擔或是障礙如限號或排程的方法。

Perhaps a long period of low and sometimes negative real interest rates in the nineties was a disincentive for debt issues by the private sector . indeed , the significantly positive real interest rates of the past few years and low nominal interest rates seem to have made a difference in both the number of and the amount involved in debt issues brought to the market 年代實質利率長期處于偏低甚至負數水平,令私營機構缺乏發債意欲,但過去幾年實質利率顯著高于零水平,加上名義利率偏低,似乎為債市帶來新的面貌,無論發債次數或規模都有了進展。

As we all know , many of these restrictions are prohibited in the basic law of hong kong , and for good reasons . furthermore , the easy way out - exchange rate adjustments - can often be a disincentive for the type of structural adjustments necessary to enhance the long term robustness of the economy 視乎每一個經濟體系的特色來看,調整匯率可能是一個比較容易解決困難的辦法,但這個做法往往會成為經濟結構進行調整的絆腳石,對整體經濟的長期發展構成障礙。

The relatively long term nature of corporate equity and debt also creates a second disincentive for household investors to hold the direct financial claims issued reflect a reasonably accurate characterization of the operational differences between commercial firm and fis 公司產權和債務證券的相對長期性還會造成個人投資者對持有直接債權的不積極性,這合理地反映出商業公司和金融中間人之間運作方式的本質的不同。

Create a fair , practical “ harvesting / management “ policy that may include economic incentives or disincentives , which sustain the usage over a long period of time while avoiding severe disruption of consumption , degradation or rapid exhaustion of the resource 建立一個公正的,實用的“收獲/管理“政策,可能包括經濟獎勵或者懲罰,能保持長時間的可用,避免消耗,退化或者資源的迅速的竭盡。

General james jones , an american and nato ' s most senior commander , says the tradition that each national contingent should pay its own way ( a policy known as “ costs lie where they fall ” ) has been a huge disincentive for many countries 是美國也是北約最資深的指揮官詹姆斯?瓊斯將軍說,各國分遣隊要不吃虧的傳統(此政策被稱為“哪兒失敗在哪兒撒謊” )已成為許多國家決策的巨大障礙。

Conjoint analysis shows that interpersonal relationships between customers and service providers serve as a disincentive but are less important than both switching costs and marketing variables 聯合分析的結果顯示,壽險業顧客在同時考慮現有服務者的關系,轉換成本,及其他廠商的行銷變數時,人際關系雖然有助于防止顧客轉換廠商,但其相對重要性遠低于行銷變數與轉換成本。

But that disincentive can be made a lot more significant , should there be a need to do so , by our imposing a charge on large balances held in clearing accounts that is punitive enough for individual banks not to hold on to those balances 當然,若情況有需要,我們更可以對結算帳戶內的大額結馀收取懲罰性費用,以抑制銀行繼續持有大額結馀。

Those in favour of maintaining the present rate consider that the duty provides a stable source of revenue for the government and acts as a disincentive to drinking , consistent with the objective of protecting public health 贊成酒稅維持不變的人士認為,該稅項不單可為政府提供穩定收入,亦有助鼓勵市民減少飲酒,符合保障公眾健康的目的。

Thus inflow of funds into the hong kong dollar produces an interest rate differential and therefore a disincentive to holding on to idle hong kong dollars , at least in the form of bank deposits 因此資金流入港元令港元利息低于美元,減低公眾持有閑置港元資金以及港元銀行存款的意欲。

Otherwise , it would serve as a disincentive to urban renewal and private property rights might also be affected , “ professor yeung yue - man , chairman of the committee , quoted members comments 否則,此舉會使市區重建失去動力,而私人業權亦會受到影響。

The fact that we pay no interest on the clearing balances of banks is already a disincentive , as banks do not get any return on those assets 事實上,我們不對銀行的結算馀額支付利息這個安排本身已經是一種抑制措施,因為銀行不會就該等資產得到任何回報。

Nor , even now , will they be free from the threat of expropriation , another disincentive to investment 即便新法正式頒布了,他們面對政府的一紙征用令照樣無計可施,這也降低了農民投資土地的積極性。

And there is nothing to stop us from enforcing a disincentive against the holding of large clearing balances by banks 同時我們更可以隨時采取抑制措施以減少銀行持有大的結算馀額。

Nor , even now , will they be free from the threat of expropriation , another disincentive to investment 甚至現在,農民的土地還有可能被國家征收,這對投資來說是另一個阻礙因素。

Nor , even now , will they be free from the threat of expropriation , another disincentive to investment 即使現在,他們也不會免于土地征用這又一阻礙投資的威脅。

Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees 工資固定又無晉升機會遏制了雇員的積極性

Fix wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employee 工資固定又無晉升機會遏制了雇員的積極性。

A system of incentives and disincentives 激勵約束制度