
dishonesty n.1.不正直,不誠實;狡猾;陰險。2.不誠實的行為。短...


This leads to the child hiding things from the parent , which therefore leads to dishonesty 這會導致孩子對父母隱瞞自己的事情,從而變得不誠實。

“ regardless of the moral issue , dishonesty in advertising has proved very unprofitable 即使不考慮道德因素,不誠實的廣告也被證實無利可圖。

The u . n . report says developing nations must seek investment and fight dishonesty 聯合國報告指出發展中國家應該尋求投資和打擊不誠信。

He expressed particular concern at evidence of dishonesty in reporting out of lebanon 他對于黎巴嫩不實報導的事證上表達了特別的關切。

He expressed particular concern at evidence of dishonesty in reporting out of lebanon 他對黎巴嫩事件報導失實的事實,尤其表示擔憂。

What is discretion but dishonesty wrapped up in a little good breeding “謹慎”無非就是拿一點好教養掩飾自己的不忠吧?

I charged her with dishonesty 我指責她不誠實

“ it creates an atmosphere of simmering anger , secrets and dishonesty , “ he says 它會讓家庭充滿怨恨猜忌和欺騙。 ”

I charged her with dishonesty 我指責她不誠實。

Our kindness and trust was requited only with dishonesty on their part 對我們的善意和信任,他們以欺詐來回報。

They charged him with dishonesty 他們指摘他不老實。

Is guilty of fraud or dishonesty 有欺詐或不忠實行為

He has a bad name for dishonesty 他有不誠實的壞名聲。

Dishonesty is generally despised and condemned by the society 不誠實的言行通常是被社會所鄙視和譴責的。

He obtained the money by dishonesty 他掙的錢來路不正。

I consider this to be dishonesty 我認為這是不誠實的行為

There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow 在某些證據表明,欺詐行為可消可長,有起有伏。

There was no implication of dishonesty in his failure in business 他生意的倒閉中并沒有亂來的含意。

There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow 有些證據表明不誠實也會像潮水一樣有漲有落。