
disgust vt.1.使作嘔。2.令人嫌惡,招人唾棄[反感]。短語和...


Die knowing everyone will remember him with disgust 讓每個人都認為他十惡不赦。

< i > and disgusted , < / i > < i > he decides right then < / i > 這使他十分厭惡最后他決定. .

Io know this is going to sound disgusting , but 我知道這聽起來并不怎么好,但是

A little disgusted and depressed he turned to retrace his steps, for all at once he felt himself very much of a nobody . 他有些懊惱,有些沮喪,就掉過頭,從原路走回去,因為他突然覺得自己簡直一文不值。

Although there might not be much at first appearance to captivate, there was, at least, nothing to disgust her relations . 初來乍到雖然看不出有多少媚人之處,但至少沒有任何地方叫親戚們看了討厭。

The disgusted gesture with which jastrow turns his page surprises an uncertain laugh from the rapt audience . 杰斯特羅翻講稿的那種滿懷厭惡的手勢,意想不到地使凝神細聽的聽眾猶疑不定地笑了起來。

While dreading the blow, i mused on the disgusting and ugly appearance of him who would presently deal it . 我一邊擔心挨打,一邊在端詳著這個就要打我的人的那副令人嫌惡的丑相。

He wondered what in the name of hell he could do to get out of this prickly sense of disgust and physical repulsion . 他納悶了,不知究竟如何才能擺脫厭惡的刺痛感和肉體的反感。

Absence had increased her desire of seeing charlotte again, and weakened her disgust of mr. collins . 離別促進了她想和夏綠蒂重逢的愿望,也消除了她對柯林斯先生的厭惡。

It seemed to val unspeakably disgusting to have one's name called out like this in public ! 法爾覺得把人家的姓氏在大庭廣眾之間這樣叫出來,簡直說不出的可惡。

I thought it disgusting that a man of his age should concern himself with affairs of the heart . 我認為象他這樣年紀的人再牽扯到這種愛情瓜葛中未免令人作嘔。

She could not speak, but hatred and disgust burned in her eyes as she stared at him fiercely . 當時她說不出話來,只拿一雙充滿著憎恨和嫌惡的眼睛對他瞠視著。

Her folly, though evident, was not disgusting because it was not conceited . 她的遲鈍,盡管顯而易見,卻不惹嫌,因為其中并不包含驕矜自負的成份。

He threw the books on to the floor in disgust and broke the lock of the next drawer . 他厭惡地把這些帳薄扔在地上,然后撬開了下面一只抽屜的鎖。

Roosevelt and hull both replied in words that scarcely concealed their disgust . 羅斯福和赫爾的答詞,幾乎沒有隱藏他們的憎惡之情。

The hand drew up tight on the heavy cord and he looked at it in disgust . 那只手緊緊地貼在粗繩上,他對它輕蔑地望著。

This search is pursued by woolf through extremes of exuberance and disgust . 沃爾夫追求于熱愛和憎恨兩個極端之間。

Lastly she arrived at the tresses and felt a qualm of disgust . 最后,她看到提到頭發的那一句,心里覺得一陣惡心。

“the people who eat your disgusting meat object,“ david said calmly . “吃你那些臭肉的人反對。”大衛鎮靜地說。