
disgorge vt.1.吐,嘔吐出;吐出(臟物等)。2.(江河等)流出...


The lijiang river , which runs through the center of guilin , is a complementary attraction to the peaks and a setting for displays of cormorant fishing . fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish . the cormorants , which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks , catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat “翡翠之路”江起于“山水甲天下”的桂林,止于“山水甲桂林”的陽朔, 40多公里水程風光薈萃,如入山水長卷的水中畫廊,俯望沁心醉人的漓水,縱觀壁立千仞的峰林,飽覽深澗險灘幽洞流泉飛瀑的美景,山景水景洞景石景,使人有左右顧盼目不暇接之感。

The lijiang river , which runs through the center of guilin , is a complementary attraction to the peaks and a setting for displays of cormorant fishing . fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish . the cormorants , which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks , catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen ( until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat ) “翡翠之路”漓江起于“山水甲天下”的桂林,止于“山水甲桂林”的陽朔, 40多公里水程風光薈萃,如入山水長卷的水中畫廊,俯望沁心醉人的漓水,縱觀壁立千仞的峰林,飽覽深澗、險灘、幽洞、流泉、飛瀑的美景,山景、水景、洞景、石景,使人有左右顧盼、目不暇接之感。

The endocytosed albumin appears to undergo transcytosis in large esicles ( 500 nm in diameter ) , identified by immunogold staining of endogenous albumin by electron microscopy , to the basolateral membrane where the albumin is disgorged back to the peritubular blood supply 對內源性白蛋白進行免疫金染色然后在電鏡下觀察發現:這些重吸收的白蛋白以大的囊泡(直徑500納米)形式被跨細胞轉運到腎小管基底膜側,然后回吐到腎小管周血管。

The cormorants , which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks , catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat 人們到桂林游漓江,主要是從桂林乘船順流而下至陽朔這83千米的水程。這一帶峰巒聳秀,碧水如鏡,青山浮水,倒影翩翩,兩岸景色猶如百里錦繡畫廊。

As a child , it was common for him to eat at the vomitorium , where ? as in ancient rome ? the rich food disgorged by the wealthy and over ? fed could be purchased for a small amount of money , and consumed a second time 童年時,他經常去羅馬大競技場通道里找東西吃,那里到處都是有錢人吃剩下的美味佳肴,因此吃飯對他來說完全不成問題。

A worker at the international bird rescue research center examines a bird rescued from san francisco bay after a cargo ship disgorged thousands of gallons of oil into the water 國際鳥類救援研究中心的工作人員正在檢查從舊金山灣里搶救出的一只鳥,一艘貨輪因事故在灣內泄露了上千加侖的原油。

The food habit of 1itt1e egret and cattle egret were analyzed by getting 4 the food disgorged by nestlings 通過雛鳥嘔吐出的食物團分析了白鴛和牛背鴛的食物成分。

An analysis and reconstruction of legislating the system of disgorging ill - gotten gains in china 我國退贓制度之立法檢討與重構設想

You owe me 5 : come on , disgorge 你欠我5英鎊,快,吐出來

But he would disgorge the bait now 現在他要把嘴里的鉤吐出來。

The avon disgorges ( itself ) into the severn 埃文河流入塞文河

The holed tanker was disgorging oil 撞了個窟窿的油船正在噴油。

She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone 她拚命想把魚刺吐出來

Crowds disgorged from the theatre into the dark street 人流從戲院涌出,進入了黑洞洞的街道

The dog disgorged the bone it had swallowed 狗吐出了已經吞下的骨頭。

The yangtze disgorges its waters into the east china sea 長江將它的江水傾注到中國東海。

They persuaded him to disgorge the missing documents 他們勸他吐出不見的文件。

The robbers were forced to disgorge their plunder 強盜們被迫吐出他們的搶奪物。

Dropping its mostly second-class passengers at this small town or that, few people were left to be disgorged in gilly . 一路上已經把二等車廂里的大多數乘客都拋在沿線的這一個或那一個小鎮上了,所以到達吉利時只剩下幾個人。