disfigure vt.1.毀損…的外形[外貌],使破相,使變丑。2.毀損...
vt. 1.毀損…的外形[外貌],使破相,使變丑。 2.毀損…的優點[價值]。 短語和例子Old towns disfigured by tasteless new buildings. 古老的城鎮被平庸的新建筑弄得很難看。 n. -ment 破相,外貌變丑;疵瑕;毀形。 “disfigured“ 中文翻譯: 丑八怪“disfiguration“ 中文翻譯: 外形損傷“disfigured face“ 中文翻譯: 丑臉“disfgrittiness seediness“ 中文翻譯: 粒狀涂膜“disfigured target face“ 中文翻譯: 打得太爛的靶面“disfeature“ 中文翻譯: vt. 毀損…的容貌。 “disfiguredisfigurement“ 中文翻譯: 變丑“disfavour“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.不贊成;厭棄;疏遠,冷淡。 2.失眾望,失寵。 3.不利。 He regarded my suggestions with disfavour. 他不贊成我的建議。 The minister incurred the king's disfavour. 這位大臣招致國王的冷遇。 be [live] in disfavour 過受氣日子,失寵,不受歡迎,受冷遇。 fall [come] into disfavour 失寵,失眾望,不受歡迎。 vt. 疏遠,冷待;嫌棄。 “disfigurement“ 中文翻譯: 變丑; 毀容; 外形毀損; 外形損傷“disfavor“ 中文翻譯: 不利; 不受歡迎; 不贊成,不喜歡; 厭惡
disforest |
Amsterdam reuters - the netherlands , the country that has pioneered reality shows like “ big brother “ , is planning a new first - a dating programme for the visibly disfigured 荷蘭sbs 6電視臺目前正在為即將于2月20日開始播出的心靈之愛節目征集候選人,這是一檔以外表有缺陷的人為主題的速配節目。 |
2 the former paratrooper had suffered serious chest and head injuries , his face so badly disfigured that it was sewn back together after more than 20 metal splinters were removed 這位前傘兵的胸部和頭部受到了嚴重的傷害,臉部嚴重變形,以至于在取出20多塊金屬碎片以后才重新縫合在一起。 |
Jonathan kirsch , in his book moses : a life , thought that , since he subsequently had to wear a veil to hide it , moses ' face was disfigured by a sort of “ divine radiation burn “ 喬納森在他的書《摩西:一種生命》上認為,由于摩西后來不得不蒙上帕子,摩西的臉被某種“神光燒傷”而變得丑陋。 |
But this has resulted in disfigured and disabled people like me being treated like second class citizens because our bodies are different and we are seen as less than human 這就造成像我一樣相貌丑陋和身體殘缺的人被當作二等公民那樣對待,因為我們的身體和別人不同,看起來不如常人。 |
Our good society is disfigured by huge debts : entrenched poverty , persistent racial tension , the breakdown of the family and staggering budget deficits 我們這個美好的社會因存在大量的債務而變得丑陋:難以消除的貧困現象,曠日持久的種族對立,分崩離析的家庭細胞,駭人聽聞的財政赤字。 |
At one point a cancerous growth on his face became so prominent that a sympathetic doctor operated on it without charge , leaving him with a disfigured nose 在某一時刻他臉上的癌癥發展變得如此突出,以致于一位有同情心的醫生免費給他作了手術,留給他一個變丑的鼻子。 |
Mt . 6 : 16 and when you fast , do not be like the sullen - faced hypocrites , for they disfigure their faces so that they may appear to men to be fasting 太六16還有,你們禁食的時候,不可面帶愁容,像那假冒為善的人一樣;他們把臉裝得難看,為要叫人看出他們在禁食。 |
Defects caused by tumor ablation and traumatic injuries pose great challenges to the surgeon because a variety of options are available to reconstruct the disfigured ear 對于外科醫師而言,要彌補它因腫瘤切除或創傷所造成的缺損,是個極大的挑戰。 |
The sudden appearance of a disfigured old man at tamotsus funeral , however , proves to be the beginning of yoshios downfall for his heartless actions 突然,有一位滿頭白發的丑老人自認是林保的親叔父遠洋到訪,卻原來一切都是這位戴面具的老人安排 |
( 4 ) simulate the buckling condition of pipeline by pre - disfigure . compute the force in pipeline under inner pressure and coaxial forces ( 4 )采用預缺陷的方法,模擬管道受力情況,初步計算了管道在同時受到內壓和拉壓力時的失穩問題。 |
The majority of the french soldiers were disfigured by frost - bitten cheeks and noses , and almost all of them had red , swollen , and streaming eyes 大多數法國士兵的臉部成為畸形,鼻子和兩頰都凍傷了,差不多所有的人的眼睛都紅腫糜爛。 |
Building big commercial buildings underground can be a way to avoid disfiguring or threatening a beautiful or “ environmentally sensitive “ landscape 建造大型的地下商業建筑是一個避免損壞或是威脅到一個漂亮或是環境敏感的土地的方法。 |
Connie s face was running with tears as she got into the car with her little bag . hilda snatched up the motoring helmet with the disfiguring goggles 當康妮拿著她的小手囊上車去的時候,她的臉上流著眼淚,希爾達把風帽和眼鏡交給她。 |
The phantom of the opera tells the story of a disfigured musical genius gerard butler who haunts the catacombs beneath the paris opera house , waging . . 19世紀巴黎,歌劇院地下室,躲藏了一個面容毀爛帶著神秘面具的歌劇界天才魅影。 |
Scene : the accident disfigures david ' s face . he doesn ' t know how to face his beloved girl . in the dream , they have a romantic and sad encounter 事故讓大衛面目全非,他不知道該如何面對心愛的姑娘。在夢里,他們浪漫而心酸地相遇了。 |
16 “ when you fast , do not look somber as the hypocrites do , for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting 16你們禁食的時候,不可像那假冒為善的人,臉上帶著愁容;因為他們把臉弄得難看,故意叫人看出他們是禁食。 |
Monte cristo took off the wig which disfigured him , and let fall his black hair , which added so much to the beauty of his pallid features 伯爵脫掉了那改變他相貌的假發,垂下了他那漆黑的頭發,使他那蒼白的臉頓時英俊了許多。 |
And thanks for letting me know i can ' t boil a cup water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face . . . disfiguring me for life 也要多謝說給我知不好用微波爐把水熱滾的人?若不?熱水會往我臉面撲去. . .終生毀容。 |
Bound by a long red cord , a young couple wandes in search of somethig they have tragicaly forgotten . a disfigured pop star confronts the phenomenal de . . 影片以日本文樂本偶戲冥途之飛腳作楔子,鏡頭再由紅繩乞兒穿金引 |