
disesteem vt.,n.厭惡,輕視。


His inconsistencies rushed upon him in a flood . he had persistently elevated hellenic paganism at the expense of christianity ; yet in that civilization an illegal surrender was not certain disesteem 他以前頑固地褒揚希臘的異教文化,貶抑基督教的信仰在希臘的異教文明里,一個人因為受到強暴才屈服并不一定就喪失了人格。

A jester at the court of his master , indulged and disesteemed , winning a clement master s praise 左不過是主人宮廷里的一名弄臣,既被縱容又受到輕視,博得寬厚的主人一聲贊許而已。

But over the long haul , the disesteem to conciliation is an undisputable fact 然而,長期以來,調解一直遭受冷遇卻是不爭的事實。