
disequilibrium n.(pl. disequilibriums, -ria...


Disequilibrium in distribution of curriculum resources exists in the present curriculum resources of basic education in china . the problems in construction of curriculum resources have aroused attention increasingly 當前我國基礎教育的課程資源現狀,提出并澄清了課程資源分布的不平衡性,以及課程資源建設中應該高度重視的幾個認識問題。

The forming of bad - assets namely non - performing loans of state - owned commercial bank of our country has a system reason . but the deep layer reason is information disequilibrium between government - banks - enterprises 國有商業銀行不良資產的形成,有體制性原因,但其深層次的原因是政府-銀行-企業之間的信息不對稱。

At the same time , in the short run the speed of adjustment of the relationship between eu ' s direct investment in china and china ' s import and export to eu from short - term disequilibrium to long - term equilibrium is very quick 同時,從短期看來,歐盟對華直接投資與中國對歐盟進出口的關系由短期偏離向長期均衡調整的速度很快。

Cable modem width is taken the technology , and the clear superiority . need to point out that the cable television net of our country in is seen still existing the question of disequilibrium 同時,帶寬問題一直困擾著互聯網的管理者和廣大用戶,大多數用戶使用撥號上網的方式,但目前電信網的帶寬還遠遠不能滿足用戶的需要。

This paper mainly uses theories of the new institutional economics and game theory to analyze problems of institutional disequilibrium in china ' s transition to a socialist market economy 本文主要運用西方新制度經濟學與博弈論的理論和方法來分析中國市場化改革這一過渡時期制度非均衡的表現、特點、成因、經濟效應和對策。

Systemic disequilibrium , if it is examined through coinvolvement strategies up and down the hierarchy , will naturally lead to new systems of work at all levels and for all functions 如果通過各種共同參與的策略對其進行反復檢驗,那么,在所有層次上,對所有功能來說,整體性非均衡將會自然而然地導致新的工作系統的產生。

These data document the generality of recombination hotspots , a block - like structure of linkage disequilibrium and low haplotype diversity , leading to substantial correlations of snps with many of their neighbours 我們有了這個基因組資料庫資源,便能更有力地指導常見病遺傳變異研究的設計和分析。

But the financing order of the enterprise going on the market in china is direct financing , stock financing bond financing , which we call it disequilibrium of the structural financing 我們稱之為我國企業融資結構的失衡狀態,這就存在了我國上市企業股票融資和債券融資失衡與均衡的矛盾。

The information economics considers that because of the market participants are in different position in the circulate of the market economy , so the information disequilibrium is surely existing 信息經濟學認為,由于市場的參與者在市場經濟運行中所處的地位不同,必然存在著信息不對稱。

The macroeconomic operation of china is characterized by internal and external disequilibrium , hence the policy conflict in restoring internal anti external equilibrium 摘要中國宏觀經濟運行的一個特征是內外部經濟失衡,宏觀經濟調控出現了實現內部均衡目標和外部均衡目標的政策沖突。

Changes in institutional costs , revenue and the set of institutional choice may cause some institutions to become disequilibrium , so do changes in the powers of different interest groups 制度創新的成本、收益、制度選擇集合以及不同利益集團實力的變化有可能促使制度非均衡出現。

Traditional theory or model mostly considers static equilibrium analysis , which study from disequilibrium to equilibrium , and treat balance of payments as independence 總之,通過國際收支研究開放條件下的宏觀經濟,對于改革開放進程中的中國經濟平穩運行具有理論和實踐意義。

The limits of economic and social development conditions in some major cities cause the disequilibrium between the development of primary and junior middle schools 我國大中城市在發展基礎教育方面,由于經濟和社會發展條件的制約,未能保證所有小學與初中同步發展。

Under the economic globalization , the rapid development of china ’ s economy and its foreign trade has caused the disequilibrium in the world trade structure 在經濟全球化的背景下,多年來,中國經濟的高速增長體現在對外貿易運行上帶來了世界貿易均衡格局的急劇變動。

Other than the disequilibrium in structure , the rate of macro - tax burden varies among different regions , which makes the reform of tax system an urgent task in china 同時從所有制結構、地區結構、產業結構等方面對我國宏觀稅負的現狀做出更加全面深入的分析。

Earlier hardy - weinberg disequilibrium ( hwd ) measures may introduce bias in the fine mapping because they are dependent on marker allele frequencies across loci 以前的哈迪-溫伯格不平衡移測量由于依賴于標記中文摘要基因頻率在精細定位時可能產生偏差。

Behind the information disequilibrium of financial market is the system reason , to create relative information equilibrium condition must commence from the system 金融市場的信息不對稱背后是體制問題,創造相對均衡的信息條件必須從體制入手。

In the terms of social development , institution variance is a circular process from institutional equilibrium to disequilibrium to equilibrium again 從整個社會經濟的發展來看,制度變遷是一個從“制度均衡制度非均衡制度均衡”的循環過程。

It also point out that at the present stage , the disequilibrium in urbanization economic operation in china comes from the supply restriction of the system 同時指出現階段中國城市化經濟運行的非均衡態是囿于制度性供給約束的特殊非均衡形態。