
disentangle vt.解脫,解開(結扣等);解決(糾紛等);清理(破產的...


The count went into his affairs as though walking into a huge net , trying not to believe that he was entangled , and at every step getting more and more entangled , and feeling too feeble either to tear the nets that held him fast , or with care and patience to set about disentangling them 伯爵經營自己的產業,就像陷入巨大的捕獸網那樣,他竭力想要自己不相信他給纏住了,可是他每走一步,就給纏得更緊,感到自己既不能撕破把它纏住的網子,也不能小心地忍耐地著手把它解開來。

In order to disentangle its difficulties , and come the way of robust development , it is reckoned that the strict regulation of the international interference should be on process in the framework of law of nations . that is , through 而要使國際干預擺脫困境、走上健康的發展軌道,筆者認為,應在國際法的框架內對其進行嚴格規制,即通過有關國際干預領域國際法的編纂,使各主權國家所轉移的干預權真正體現國際社會的意志,代表國際社會的利益,而不是集中于少數大國之手。

We come to follow an enlightened master and learn from him . this means that we re prepared at heart to disentangle all the evil ideas , attachments and bondages to the world that we ve accumulated over many lifetimes . once these areas have been straightened out , the karmic burden from the past several lifetimes will be erased 我們來皈依一位明師,跟他學習,表示說那個時候我們心已經準備好了,已經準備要解開我們累世以來所接受的邪念所執著的方面,以及被世界綁住的地方了,這些地方一解開以后,生生世世的業障都會消除。

But , out of the whole human family , it would not have been easy to select the same number of wise and virtuous persons , who should be less capable of sitting in judgment on an erring woman s heart , and disentangling its mesh of good and evil , than the sages of rigid aspect towards whom hester prynne now turned her face 然而,要從整個人類大家庭中遴選出同等數量的英明賢德之士絕非易舉,假如讓這種人坐下來審判一個犯了罪的女人的心靈,并分清善與惡的交錯盤結,比起海絲特白蘭此時轉過身來面對著的這伙表情倡滯的圣人們,不一定高明多少。

But , out of the whole human family , it would not have been easy to select the same number of wise and virtuous persons , who should be less capable of sitting in judgment on an erring woman ' s heart , and disentangling its mesh of good and evil , than the sages of rigid aspect towards whom hester prynne now turned her face 然而,要從整個人類大家庭中遴選出同等數量的英明賢德之士絕非易舉,假如讓這種人坐下來審判一個犯了罪的女人的心靈,并分清善與惡的交錯盤結,比起海絲特?白蘭此時轉過身來面對著的這伙表情倡滯的圣人們,不一定高明多少。

Then , discusses about the value of the system of dissolution of the contract comparatively . it brings up that the main purpose of establishment the system of dissolution of the contract by law is making remedial measures for the discharge impossible . since the parties could disentangle from died contract , at the same time , the injured party could receive reasonable compensation 然后,文章又從比較法的角度對合同解除的制度價值進行了探討,提出依法確立合同解除制度的根本目的在于將其作為一種合同履行不能或失去履行意義的救濟措施,既使合同當事人可盡早從己經死亡的合同中解脫出來,又能使因此而遭受損失的合同當事人能得到合理的補償。

The property of the entanglement is also studied and it is demonstrated that the amount of entanglement oscillates with time - evolution periodically and is related with the coupling coefficient and detuning . the quantum state varies between disentangled state and entangled state 具體研究這種糾纏態的性質得出,原子與場糾纏體系的糾纏度隨時間周期振蕩,并且和原子與場間的耦合系數及失諧程度有關,量子態在非糾纏態與糾纏態之間變化。

Computer based accounting has greatly improved the efficiency of accounting management and decision - making , disentangled the accountants from the onerous work and played important influence on the theory and practice of accounting information system 會計電算化使會計人員從繁重的傳統手工記賬、算賬、報賬工作中解脫出來,大大提高了會計管理和決策的效率,也對會計信息系統的理論和實務產生了重大的影響。

In recent months they have not been especially happy with their erstwhile american ally , despite the bush administration ' s belated effort to address arab concerns over palestine and to disentangle itself from iraq 由于布什政府解決阿拉伯國家心頭大患? ?巴勒斯坦問題的動作有些遲了,并且試圖擺脫伊拉克這個大麻煩,阿拉伯國家對美國這個從前的盟友感到尤為不滿。

To see things as they are , to go right to the right point , to disentangle a skein of thought , to detect what is sophistical , and to discard what is irrelevant is after all , what university training should be aiming at 認清事情的真相,準確地抓對要點,解開思維的束縛,洞悉詭辯的事實,最后舍棄那些無關緊要的部分,這就是大學訓練所應該針對的目標。

Still , they admit it ' s tough to parse fully why better - looking professors rate higher . “ disentangling whether this outcome represents productivity or discrimination is . . . probably impossible . 盡管如此,他們承認很難全面的解析為什么長相較好的教授得到的評價較高。 “要弄清楚這調查結果體現的是生產力還是偏見… …也許不太可能。

Some republicans think it may give them the cover that they need to disentangle themselves from a war that cost them their majorities in both chambers of congress on november 7th 一些共和黨人認為這個調查組的結果能夠給他們一塊遮羞布,讓他們能夠從伊拉克戰爭的窘境以及11月7日美國中期大選的慘敗當中松一口氣。

It teaches him to see things as they are , to go right to the point , to disentangle a skein of thought , to detect what is sophistical , and to discard what is irrelevant 大學教育應教會人們看清事物的真實面目并直接抓住要害,教會人們解開思想的韁結,發現其中的詭辯之處,舍棄其中的不相關之處。

The difficulty , evidently , is to disentangle the health risk and the financial reward from all the other motivations to choose a particular way of life 顯然,難點在于,從所有其它選擇特定生活方式的動機中,將健康方面的風險和金錢上的回報區別開來。

Sport is rife with pseudoscience , and it is difficult to disentangle the evangelical enthusiasm from research evidence 偽科學在體育領域里普遍存在,要把那些宗教化的狂熱與研究證據區分開,是非常困難的

The influences at work in this case ( ie factors causing it to develop in a particular way ) are hard to disentangle 在此事中起作用的種種因素很難縷析得清楚

He would promise anything , everything , and trust to fortune to disentangle him 他什么都答應,一切的一切他都答應。讓命運去解決這些難題吧。

Ill disentangle it all ; here i have a solution all ready . but nows not the time 我會把它搞清楚的怎么解釋它呢,我已經有所準備。

He tried to disentangle himself ( from the bushes into which he had fallen ) 他竭力(從他跌入的灌木叢中)掙脫出來