
discredit n.1.喪失信用,喪失信任。2.喪失名譽,丟臉,恥辱。3...


Tis less discredit to abridge petty charges , than to stoop to petty getting 節省一絲一毫金錢,不會比為小小的收入而屈尊丟臉。

Bring discredit on oneself 破壞自己的信譽

“ as far as this subject , later researches discredited the earlier conclusions . 這個課題后來的研究推翻了早先的結論。

The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters ' claims 報告中展示的調查結果使抗議者的要求遭到了懷疑

- nothing more than sick joke . - fake videotape totally discredited -什么也不是,惡搞玩笑-這盤錄像帶不足以信

He is a discredit to his family 他是他們家的恥辱

Nothing more than sick joke . - fake videotape totally discredited 什么也不是,惡搞玩笑-這盤錄像帶不足以信

I completely discredited the email and went about my bushsiness 我對那封郵件壓根不置可否,自顧自忙去了。

That guy is a discredit to his family and relatives and friends “那個家伙是他家庭,親戚朋友的一種恥辱。

The flaws in those sections alone discredit his argument 光是那四章的缺陷就足以讓全書的論證不可信了。

The prosecution tried to discredit their opponent in the case 起訴方努力使訴訟案中的對手喪失名譽。

One should discredit a good deal of what is printed in newspapers 應該要懷疑報紙上所登的許多東西。

Don ' t try to discredit me becauseyou ' re afraid i may be right 不要詆毀我,因為你害怕我說的是對的

To be discredited by an 11 - year - old 為了一個11歲的孩子而敗壞名譽

There is no reason to discredit what she says 沒理由不信她說的話

Work well personal health work , don ' t discredit for class 做好個人衛生工作,不給班級抹黑。

Their behavior has brought discredit on english football 他們的行為給英國足球隊敗壞名聲。

This will bring the company into discredit 這將使那家公司敗壞名聲。

New evidence now discredits earlier reports - 新的證據推翻了早先的報導