
discover vt.1.看出,發現,看到。2.〔古語〕現出,露出;顯示...


Scientists are now trying to discover if this is possible . 科學家們現正試圖探索這是否可能。

He discovered my dwelling . 他發現我的蹤跡。

She hoped to discover that she had an unusual voice . 她巴不得自己能有一副令人驚奇的好嗓子。

It was then that he discovered his singular gift . 正是在這個階段,他發現了自己的特殊才干。

I guess you've discovered that from studying costs . 我想,你已經通過研究成本發現這一點了。

More than once she discovered his eyes dwelling on her . 她不止一次地發現他的眼睛在打量她。

He also discovered how to take pictures using a short exposure . 他又發現了短暫曝光照相法。

Balboa had no idea that he had discovered an ocean . 包爾波亞沒有想到他已發現了一個大海洋。

She told me she had discovered a wonderful young man . 她告訴我她發現了一位頂刮刮的年輕人。

One day the whole escape plan was almost discovered . 有一天,整個逃跑計劃差一點毀于一旦。

Even before dudley found comedy, he discovered music . 達德利發現音樂于前,獲知鬧劇于后。

She perceived i had discovered my real benefactor . 她知道我已經明白了我真正的恩主是誰。

All the smallest units of matter had been discovered . 組成物質的全部最小單元已被發現。

The falsification of the testament was discovered by them . 他們發現這份遺囑被竄改了。

Mistakes should be corrected as soon as they are discovered . 錯誤一經發覺,就應改正。

Westerners took some time to discover that gold . 西部人過了若干時間才發現了這種黃金。

You shall not discover it to any person in the world . 你不要向世上任何人道破這件事。

You will discover that most people are eager to help . 你會發覺大多數的人都樂于幫忙。

I discovered that all human beings were not mean . 我發現并不是所有的人都平庸自私。