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discount bank 貼現銀行。

discount broke

It is about the payment request which is requested by the bank that discounts the forged bank accepted bill . depending on the theory of the relationship between the major negotiable instruments activity and the minor negotiable instruments activity , this dissertation believes that although the major negotiable instruments activity , drawing activity , is invalid , the validity of the minor negotiable instruments activity remains . so the discount bank , longquanyi branch , gets the bill right through discount 本文從票據的主行為與從行為的關系角度分析票據偽造的效果;將票據涂銷與票據更改進行比較,建議將故意的有效涂銷納入票據更改中去以適應票據實務需要;結合司法解釋,對我國的票據空白背書實務進行新的闡述;用與其他票據喪失救濟方法相比較的方式,對掛失止付進行了程序、效力的分析。