
discontinuance n.1.停止,廢止,中止,斷絕。2.【法律】(訴訟等的)...


In the second part of this article , the author tries to summarize the features of crime discontinuance . after studying various kinds of doctrines on crime discontinuance in china , the author thinks that there are two kinds of crime discontinuance : ordinary crime discontinuance and special crime discontinuance 文章在論述犯罪中止的特征中,首先概述了我國刑法理論界關于犯罪中止特征的各類學說,通過對比,認為時間性、自動性和徹底性應系普通犯罪中止的構成要件,而特殊犯罪中止除具備上述三個構成要件外還應具備有效性特征。

On the basis of these , the author points out that in order to establish semi - criminal discontinuance , the following elements should be satisfied : ( i ) the conductor should give up the conduct of the crime from the bottom of his or her heart ; ( ii ) the conductor should make great effort to avoid the happening of the crime result ; ( iii ) though the conductor ' s effort to avoid the happening of crime result failed , the reason is beyond the control of the conductor 在準中止犯一章中,文章對準中止犯的概念、理論依據提出了自己的觀點。在此基礎上,認為成立準中止犯必須具備的條件是:行為人在主觀上必須具有棄惡從善的真誠性;在客觀上必須具有為消除危害而作出真誠的努力;行為人的補救行為并未奏效是行為人意志以外的原因造成的。

Article 10 where there is a change to any registered items of the manufacturer , or where there is a merger , transfer of ownership , dissolution or discontinuance , the manufacturer shall apply to the competent tax collection authority for amendment or cancellation of the registration and shall pay the tax payable within 15 days from the day the event takes place 第10條產制廠商申請登記之事項有變更,或產制廠商合并、轉讓、解散或廢止時,應于事實發生之日起十五日內向主管稽徵機關申請變更或注銷登記,并繳清應納稅款。

The analyzable conclusions of the regression model between crown diameter and age show that the utility of unit step function model in the crown growth process with the changing point is better than the usual regression methods , and the unit step function model can solve discontinuance on the changing point 對樹冠與林齡的回歸分析結果表明:階躍函數模型在具有變點的桉樹林分樹冠生長過程中的應用效果優于一般回歸擬合模型,可較好地解決分段擬合模型在變點上的不連續問題。

Moreover , this part studies the elements of crime discontinuance according to the types of accomplices . in the last part of the article , the author makes his suggestions on how to perfect the system of crime discontinuance in chinese criminal law . the author points out that our criminal law should abolish crime discontinuance in the stage of crime preparation , add provisions regulating semi - crime discontinuance , prescribe crime discontinuance in complicity according to the types of accomplices 認為應排除犯罪預備階段成立犯罪中止的可能性,將時空范圍限制在行為人著手實行犯罪后,犯罪既遂以前;建議擴大犯罪中止的范圍,增設準中止犯的條款;建議刑法典按照共同犯罪人在共同犯罪中的地位、作用分別加以詳細規定,以避免司法實踐中的困惑,提高司法效率、統一執法標準。

So we should view joyous experiences and life sustenance in this way : lifeis a carrier of senses and values , but not all sorts of senses and values are permitted , pursuance of forbidden ones will lead to the threat or even discontinuance of life as an individual and as a whole 譯文因此,我們應該這樣看待歡樂的體驗和生命的維系:生命是感官和價值觀的載體,但是,并非所有感官享受和價值觀都是被允許存在的,如果追求被禁止的享受和價值觀,將會受到威脅,甚至造成某個個體或社會整體生命的終結。

According to some related regulations in our present criminal law , the discontinuance of crime of partial accomplice means that in the process of joint offense , the partial accomplice will voluntarily give up their criminal acts , and meanwhile , they will also effectively prevent the occurrence of criminal results 根據我國現行刑法中的有關規定,部分共犯人犯罪中止是指在共同犯罪過程中,部分共犯人在自動放棄自己的犯罪行為的同時,還有效地防止了犯罪結果的發生。

By the end of march , 1902 , only 152 , 044 were registered and licensed as opium smokers , the decrease of 17 , 020 having been caused by death or by the discontinuance of the opium habit , and this number will no doubt rapidly be further reduced by the wise policy that is being pursued 而在1902 , 3月底,有152 , 044人注冊而具有吸食執照,而在減少的17 , 020當中,有的是因為死亡或斷絕吸食的習慣,不可懷疑的,這個數字會在這明智的政策下快速地消減中。

Therefore , the establishment of crime discontinuance in complicity entails satisfaction of four elements . as for the concrete element , the first three elements in crime discontinuance are the same as in special crime discontinuance , but the fourth element is somewhat different 在對刑法理論界和司法實踐中的五種觀點進行比較研究后,認為“解體說”綜合考慮了共同犯罪人成立犯罪中止在主客觀方面的要求,是比較合理的標準。

The last point is the fulfilling time , method and range of duty to disclosure also includes the moment of being effective again of discontinuance contract . for the time of renewing a contract and changing the contract , the fulfilling time should be defined according to the concrete situation 明確了告知義務的履行時間除訂立合同時外還包括中止合同復效時,對于續約時和合同變更時則根據合同的具體情況而論。

Based on deep research on crime discontinuance ' s features , the author proposes that our criminal law should prescribe semi - criminal discontinuance . and in this part , the author gives the definition of semi - criminal discontinuance and studies its rationale 在犯罪中止的有效性特征一節中,文章認為有效性是貫穿整個犯罪中止制度的特征,是對犯罪中止的獎勵政策的依據,獎勵政策則是有效性的法律結果。

As a kind of inchoate conformation , the peculiarity of crime discontinuance is that the discontinuance of crime should be out of the will of the conductor himself , and just at this point , crime discontinuance differs from crime preparation and crime attempt 犯罪中止作為故意犯罪過程中的一種停止形態,其特殊性在于行為人出于本人意愿停止犯罪,這也是犯罪中止區別于犯罪預備、犯罪未遂的本質特征。

Fatigued as she had been by the morning s walk , they had no sooner dined than she set off again in quest of her former acquaintance , and the evening was spent in the satisfactions of an intercourse renewed after many years discontinuance 雖然一上午的步行已經使她感到疲倦,可是一吃過飯,她又動身去探訪故友舊交。這一晚過得真有意思,正所謂:連年怨闊別,一朝喜重逢。

Sense - making theory was formed in 1960s . the content of the theory concentrates on information discontinuance , people as the subject , and the contextual impact on information channel and content selection 摘要意義建構理論形成于20世紀60年代。該理論的核心內容是信息不連續性、人的主體性以及情境對信息渠道和信息內容選擇的影響。

Reasonable consideration will be given in the absolute discretion of the corporation to applications for refund or exchange by passengers who cannot complete their journeys , due to train suspension or discontinuance 本公司在絕對酌情決定乘客因列車服務暫停或終止而未能完成旅程而作出的更換或退票申請時,將給與合理考慮。

General counterplead right includes the counterplead rights of discontinuance , of prescription , of termination of major contract , of simulations performance and of no agreement 一般抗辯權包括:撤銷抗辨權,時效抗辨權,主合同終止抗辨權,同時履行抗辨權,不安抗辨權等。

The beginning of time limitation and discontinuance of time limitation shall not be according to regulations of “ general principles of the civil law of the prc “ , but “ maritime code of prc “ 訴訟時效的起算與中斷應適用《海商法》的規定而不適用《民法通則》的規定。

If a decision to refund is made or announced , passengers should apply for refund at the ticket office within 14 days from the date of suspension or discontinuance 如本公司作出和公布退款決定,乘客須在有關列車服務的暫停或終止的十四天內向票務處售票處申請退款。

In the course of executing the martial law , where conditions allow discontinuance of such steps and measures , the organ shall promptly declare discontinuance of their enforcement 在實施過程中,根據情況,對于不需要繼續實施的措施和辦法,應當及時公布停止實施。