
disconcert vt.1.使為難,使困窘,使倉皇失措,使失常。2.挫敗,...


How could she face her parents , get back her box , and disconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her family on such sentimental grounds 她怎能這樣感情用事打亂重振家業的全部計劃呢?她怎樣對她的父母說呢?怎樣取回她的箱子呢?

Darling denisov , squealed natasha , and , beside herself with delight she darted up to him , hugging and kissing him . every one was disconcerted by natashas behaviour 娜塔莎得意忘形,發出刺耳的尖聲,一下子跑到杰尼索夫跟前,抱住他吻了吻。

The idea that someone could attack your pda by beaming malicious code is disconcerting , but have any these type of attacks been documented 一些人可以通過傳播惡意代碼來攻擊您的pda ,這種想法著實令人不安,但有關于這類攻擊的記錄嗎?

The count was so much disconcerted by this long - foreseen inquiry that , without thinking , he said the first thing that came into his head 伯爵一聽到這個老早就預感到的問題,覺得不好意思,他未經深思熟慮便說出他頭腦首先想到的話。

Yes , all thats very horrid , pierre interposed , very horrid . pierre was still afraid this officer would inadvertently drop into some remark disconcerting for himself “說得對,這真夠嗆, ”皮埃爾隨著說起來, “真是夠嗆。 ”

Count rostov asks you to come to dinner with him to - day , he said , after a rather long silence somewhat disconcerting for pierre “羅斯托夫伯爵請您今天到他家去用午飯。 ”他在相當長久的使皮埃爾覺得很不自在的沉默后說道。

In homid form , they project an aura of mystery and menace , with a disconcerting habit of staring intently at everything around them 當人形態的時候,他們被神秘和恐怖的氣氛包圍,令人不安的注視著四周。

Martin had encountered his sister gertrude by chance on broadway - as it proved , a most propitious yet disconcerting chance 馬丁在大馬路碰巧遇見了他的姐姐格特露后來證明是個非常幸運而又尷尬的巧遇。

Natasha stared at berg , as though seeking the solution of some problem in his face , and her eyes disconcerted him 娜塔莎目不轉睛地望著他,似乎想在他臉上找出某個問題的答案,看得他不好意思起來。

So startling an announcement , so confidently made , and by such lips , is really disconcerting in the last degree 那么一件令人驚詫的信息,從那樣一個的口中確鑿地說了出來,真令我倉皇失措到了極點。

Really , mr . carton , returned the other , oddly disconcerted , i have not asked myself the question “的確,卡爾頓先生, ”達爾內回答,出奇地感到不安。 “我還沒有問過自己這個問題

A woman ran out of the bedroom with a frightened face , and was disconcerted on seeing prince andrey 有一個女人看見安德烈公爵后,面帶惶恐的神情,困惑不安地從她房里走出來。

The hostile gang was temporarily disconcerted by the manoeuvre , then it dashed from the train in pursuit 尋仇的人群見了這局面一時不知如何是好,緊接著便下了火車沖了上來。

“ no ? i ? of course not , ” said harry , disconcerted by this sudden change of subject “不? ?我? ?當然不介意。 ”哈利說。話鋒的突然轉變使他大為困惑。

He was taking up some quite exaggerated positions to return your serve . is that disconcerting 他往往站在一些很夸張的位置接你的發球,這讓你緊張嗎?

He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession 他有一種令人難堪的習慣,一會兒一個看法,自相矛盾,變化無常。

More disconcerting , he may not be able to conduct anything remotely resembling a normal conversation 更令人失措的是,他甚至無法與人正常對話。

She glanced at him . anatole was neither disconcerted nor mortified at what she had said 阿納托利沒有靦腆起來,他對她所說的話不感到難過。

Dron was disconcerted ; he looked furtively at alpatitch , and dropped his eyes again 德著了慌,偷看了阿爾帕特奇一眼,又搭拉下眼皮。