
discomfort n.1.不舒適,不方便;困難。2.不安;不愉快,煩悶。短...


Constipation can cause abdominal discomfort or pain , piles and anal fissure 便秘能引致腹痛痔瘡肛裂等。

Chest discomfort , palpitation , irregular heart beat , etc . 循環系統癥狀例如感到胸悶心慌心跳不規則等

Rostov still felt the same discomfort and vague remorse 羅斯托夫就是這樣也覺得不好意思,有點害臊。

Feel annoyance or discomfort at object to sth 對某事物介意

The wound isn ' t serious , but may cause some discomfort 傷口并不嚴重,但可能會引起一些不舒適。

You must stop if bleeding or discomfort while exercising 運動時有出血或不適感,應立即停止。

The child is experiencing the discomfort of the teeth cutting 孩子正在經歷牙齒長出的不適。

The hot weather caused me much discomfort 炎熱的天氣使我很不舒服。

Capable of easing pain or discomfort 止痛的、緩和的能緩解疼痛或不適的

Feeling chest pain or discomfort during or after exercise 運動時或后感到胸部疼痛或不適

He still suffers considerable discomfort from his injury 他因那次受傷至今仍頗感不適

Helps reduce the discomfort caused by pet allergens 有助于減輕因寵物過敏引起的不適。

I have a pain here . i have discomfort there . 我好像這里痛,那里不舒服。

She still suffers considerable discomfort from her injury 她因那次受傷至今仍感不適。

She turned red with discomfort when the teacher spoke 老師講話時她不好意思地紅著臉。

Chest discomfort - pain 、 pressure or discomfort in the chest 胸部不適-痛、壓迫不適。

A comfortable place to arrange her discomfort 是一個能讓她徹底放松的好地方

Drugs can cause confusion and physical discomfort 藥物引起的身體不適或精神昏亂。

These people couldn ' t stand the smallest discomfort 這些人稍不舒適就受不了。