
disassembly n.拆卸,分解。


In a source , disassembly , or call stack , right - click a line containing a breakpoint glyph and choose condition from 在“斷點”窗口中,右擊包含斷點標志符號的行,并從快捷菜單中選擇“條件” 。

As a premise of recovery , disassembly is a kind of effective path of environmental protection , resource and energy saving 拆卸是回收的前提,是實現環境保護,資源和能源節約的有效途徑。

In a source , disassembly , or call stack , right - click a line containing a breakpoint glyph and choose location from 在“斷點”窗口中,右擊一個斷點,然后從快捷菜單中選擇“位置” 。

Disassembly and reassembly machine for automotive wheel nut . disassembly and reassembly machine for u - bolt of automotive leaf spring 汽車車輪螺母拆裝機汽車鋼板彈簧u形螺栓拆裝機

1 never disassembly a battery as the electrolyte inside is strong alkaline and can damage skin and clothes 不要拆解或焚燒電池,否則因其中的化學物質具有腐蝕性,會損害皮膚和眼睛

The entry points in turn could be identified by identifying the call instructions ( in the disassembly stage ) 入口點依次可以通過(在反匯編階段)鑒定call指令來標識。

Disassembly is an important method of saving resource , protecting environment and containing development 摘要可拆卻是實現節約資源、保護環境和可持續發展的重要手段。

Any binary reengineering project requires the disassembly of the code stored in the binary file 任何一個二進制改造工程都需要對存儲在二進制文件中的代碼進行反匯編。

Codes for motor repairing and scrapped motor reclamation - disassembly public order administration information 機動車修理業報廢機動車回收拆解業.治安管理信息代碼

Standard test method for determining the axial disassembly force of taper connections of modular prostheses 測定模塊化假體錐形連接的軸向拆解力的標準試驗方法

Easy - disassembly dsign make the door for material incoming . cutter and breaker filler disassemble very easy 入料斗、粉碎刀具、篩網鈞可輕易拆卸,清洗方便。

Easy - disassembly desing make the door for material incoming . cutter and breaker filler disassemble very easy 易拆式設計;入料斗,碎料刀,過濾網均可拆卸。

In managed applications , disassembly is limited to one function and you can scroll normally 在托管應用程序中,反匯編限于一個函數,因而您可以正常滾動。

Notice the unobfuscated disassembly contains names of methods that are fairly understandable 可以看到,未模糊處理的反匯編版本包含相當易理解的方法名。

Automatically shows the disassembly window when you try to debug code for which source is unavailable 自動在嘗試調試源不可用的代碼時顯示反匯編窗口。

This window can be used in the same manner as all other visual studio disassembly windows 此窗口的用法與所有其他visual studio反匯編窗口相同。

Standard test method for determining the axial disassembly force of a modular acetabular device 測定模數碟狀體設備軸向拆解力的標準試驗方法

Industrial pipework . flanged adapters and disassembly seal for pipework . specifications 工業管道.管道用帶法蘭的轉接器和拆卸密封件.規范

The disassembly window shows the assembly code that is generated by the xslt compiler “反匯編”窗口顯示xslt編譯器生成的程序集代碼。