
disappointment n.1.失望,失意,沮喪;挫折。2.使失望的人[事情]。...


She felt that she was only undergoing the penalties of genius in these pangs and disappointments of her young career . 她覺得,在她年輕的生涯中,這一切折磨和失望,只是她在為自己的天才接受懲罰。

By 1968 the shift in the foundations of our atlantic relationship had produced evident disappointment and anxiety . 到了1968年,我們的大西洋關系基礎的改變,引起了明顯的失望和焦慮情緒。

His will was read, and like almost every other will gave as much disappointment as pleasure . 人們宣讀了他的遺囑。幾乎跟所有其它的遺囑一樣,給人失望的成分同給人高興的成分一樣多。

We were driven out this very evening by a disappointment about a green goose, which he could not get the better of . 我們今晚就是因為看不慣才出來的。一只鵝做嫩了,不合他的意。

Four different stores i entered with him , and four times i saw the boy 's face turn to disappointment . 我跟那男孩先后走進了四家書店,四次看到他的臉上露出失望的神色。

He was quite tired out with pacing the streets, to say nothing of repeated disappointments . 單是在大街上走來走去已經使他十分疲乏,不用提那一次又一次的失望了。

Napoleon pushed on to moscow, where one of the greatest disappointments of his life awaited him . 拿破侖向莫斯科挺進,然而他一生最大的一次挫敗卻在那里等著他。

She still like-perhaps loved-and feared pug, but his career was a growing disappointment . 她仍然喜歡-也許愛著-并且敬畏著帕格,然而他的事業日益使她感到失望。

The different manner in which the adventures bore the disappointment is worthy of a passing remark . 這些偷擊者所表現的失望情緒各不相同,值得在這順便一提。

But the road was empty, swept by the winter wind, and she almost sobbed with disappointment . 但路上空空如也,只有北風從路邊掃過,她失望得幾乎啜泣起來。

Her face grew momently darker, more dissatisfied and more sourly expressive of disappointment . 她的臉色越來越陰沉,越來越沮喪,越來越慍怒地表示出失望。

At the slightest disappointment or displeasure, her velvety brown eyes filled with tears . 稍有不如意或不愉快,她那天鵝似的棕色眼睛里就會含一泡眼淚。

And then this pretended mercy to the slaves is such a disappointment to the poor people . 再說,對奴隸這種表面的憐憫也使窮人大失所望。

They walked northward with a curious feeling of disappointment . 他們向北行,心頭仿佛襲來一縷不可名狀的落寞之感。

Sir john had dropped hints of past injuries and disappointments . 約翰爵士泄露了一些他過去受傷害和失意的事情。

In this quarter, indeed, disappointment was impending over sir thomas . 托馬斯爵士在這個地區的確感到了失望。

Some of his disappointments were more illusory than real . 他的一些失望,與其說是真實的,不如說是虛構的。

The bitter disappointments to follow did not inter this thought . 后來的痛苦的失望并沒有埋葬這種思想。

This reply was received by the president with some disappointment . 總統收到了這個答復,感到相當失望。