diplomatist n.〔主英〕 = diplomat.
n. 〔主英〕 = diplomat. “diplomatist the“ 中文翻譯: 外交家“the unchanged diplomatist“ 中文翻譯: 一成不變的外交家“diplomatism“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.外交,外交活動。 2.外交手腕。 “diplomatize“ 中文翻譯: diplomatize, diplomatise vi. 運用外交方法,施展外交手腕;從事外交工作。 vt. 1.用外交方法處理。 2.〔古語〕給…頒發證書。 “diplomatis asylum“ 中文翻譯: 外交庇護“diplomats“ 中文翻譯: 外交官“diplomatics“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.古文書學。 2.外交手腕 (= diplomacy)。 “diplomelia“ 中文翻譯: 重復肢癥“diplomaticrank“ 中文翻譯: 外交官銜“diplomellituria“ 中文翻譯: 雙糖尿“diplomatically isolated country“ 中文翻譯: 在外交上被孤立的國家
diplomatize |
A freezing politeness , a strict fidelity to government principles , a profound contempt for theories and theorists , a deep - seated hatred of ideality , - these were the elements of private and public life displayed by m . de villefort . he was not only a magistrate , he was almost a diplomatist 小心尊崇著傳統習俗,嚴格的禮節禮貌,對政府的各項政策忠貞不渝,對各種理論和理論家的極端蔑視,對理想主義的深惡痛絕這些就是維爾福先生在內心深處或公開場合所標榜的人生哲學。 |
And by the law of the coincidence of causes , thousands of petty causes backed one another up and coincided with that event to bring about that movement and that war : resentment at the non - observance of the continental system , and the duke of oldenburg , and the massing of troops in prussiaa measure undertaken , as napoleon supposed , with the object of securing armed peaceand the french emperors love of war , to which he had grown accustomed , in conjunction with the inclinations of his people , who were carried away by the grandiose scale of the preparations , and the expenditure on those preparations , and the necessity of recouping that expenditure . then there was the intoxicating effect of the honours paid to the french emperor in dresden , and the negotiations too of the diplomatists , who were supposed by contemporaries to be guided by a genuine desire to secure peace , though they only inflamed the 而按各種原因偶合的法則,千百個細小原因與這次事件合在一起導致了這次進軍和戰爭:對不遵從大陸體系的指責,奧爾登堡公爵,向普魯士進軍就像拿破侖感覺的那樣僅為通過進軍達到和平,法國皇帝對戰爭的癖好和習慣正好與他的人民的愿望一致,以及他對準備工作宏大場面的迷戀,用于準備工作的開支,要求獲取抵償這些開支的利益他在德累斯頓的令人陶醉的榮譽當代人認為是誠心求和卻只傷了雙方自尊心的外交談判,以及與現有事件相呼應,并同事件巧合的數以千萬計的原因。 |
To explain these rapid transferences of the peoples will from one person to another , especially when complicated by international relations , wars , and alliances , these historians are unwillingly obliged to allow that a proportion of these phenomena are not normal transferences of the will of the people , but casual incidents , depending on the cunning , or the blundering , or the craft , or the weakness of a diplomatist or a monarch , or the leader of a party 在說明民眾的意志這樣迅速由一個人轉移給另一個人,尤其是涉及國際關系征服和聯盟的時候,這些史學家只得承認,這些轉移中,有一部分不是人民意志的正常的轉移,而是與狡詐錯誤陰謀,或者與外交家帝王政黨領袖的軟弱無能分不開的偶然事件。 |
Then the subtle , political people and diplomatists conspicuous among them talleyrand , who succeeded in sitting down in a particular chair before any one else , and thereby extended the frontiers of france had conversations together at vienna , and by these conversations made nations happy or unhappy 然后,精明練達的國家政要和外交家尤其是塔列蘭,他搶先他人坐上頭把交椅,從而擴大了法國的疆域。在維也納發表談話,使得有人喜,也有人愁。 |
Historians , with simple - hearted conviction , tell us that the causes of this event were the insult offered to the duke of oldenburg , the failure to maintain the continental system , the ambition of napoleon , the firmness of alexander , the mistakes of the diplomatists , and so on 滿懷天真的自信的歷史學家們說:這個事件的原因是,奧爾登堡公爵所受的欺侮違反大陸體系拿破侖的貪權亞歷山大的強硬態度外交家們的錯誤等等。 |
Fourthly , it was absurd to desire to take prisoners the emperor , kings , and dukes , since the possession of such prisoners would have greatly enhanced the difficulty of the russian position , as was recognised by the most clear - sighted diplomatists of the time j . maistre and others 第四,要俘獲皇帝王侯和公爵們是沒有意義的,當時最老練的外交家如梅斯特等人已經認識到,俘虜了這些人,會使俄國人十分為難。 |
All at once the diplomatists and monarchs all but quarrelled ; they were on the point of again commanding their armies to kill one another ; but at that time napoleon entered france with a battalion , and the french , who had been hating him , at once submitted to him 突然,外交家與君主又幾乎爆發爭執,就在他們準備再次訴諸武力互相殘殺的時候,拿破侖率領一營人馬又回到法國,而仇恨他的法國人立刻向他屈服。 |
This circle , consisting almost exclusively of diplomatists , evidently had its own interestsquite apart from the war and politicsinterests , that revolved round the fashionable world , relations with certain women and the formal side of the service 這個幾乎主要是由外交官構成的團體,看來有自己所固有的與戰爭和政治毫無關系的興趣,這個團體對上層社會對一些女士的態度和公務很感興趣。 |
The waves of the great tempest begin to abate , and eddies begin to be formed about the calmer surface where diplomatists are busy , fancying the calm is their work 大規模軍事行動的浪潮退落下去,平靜的海面上形成一個個漩渦。外交家們在漩渦里打轉兒,并且以為是他們平息了軍事活動。 |
The diplomatists imagine that they , their disagreements , are the cause of this fresh disturbance ; they look for wars between their sovereigns ; the position seems insoluble 外交家認為這次風浪驟起是由于他們意見不合,他們預料各國君王之間又要發生戰爭,這種局勢是無法解決的。 |
Years rolled on , and amongst the descendants some were soldiers , others diplomatists ; some churchmen , some bankers ; some grew rich , and some were ruined 許多年又過去了,在他們后代之中,有的當了軍人,有的當了外交家,有的當了教士,有成了銀行家,有的發了財,有的破了產。 |
Either the diplomatist must give his lessons gratis , and i will tolerate him , or he must never set his foot again in my house ; - do you understand , madame ? 除非那位外交家能免費授課,那樣的話我還可以容忍他,否則,他就別想再踏進我的家門你懂了嗎,夫人? ” |
R . stanica is a very kind , accommodating and experienced diplomatist who has worked in many different countries and speaks many different languages 伊利葉先生給我們留下較為深刻的印象是,他是一位極其和藹善良,并樂于助人的羅馬尼亞外交官。 |
The americans … blame … the “ diplomatists , meaning thereby their intelligence services “ why can ' t we put a foot right “ they wail 美國人… …都指責… …他們的“外交人員” ,這實際上就是指責他情報機構。 “為什么我們動輒得咎呢? ”他們哀嘆道。 |
“ and what would you do , my dear diplomatist , “ replied morcerf , with a slight degree of irony in his voice , “ if you did nothing ? what “要是你也什么事都不做,我親愛的保國大臣, ”阿爾貝用一種略帶譏諷的口吻答道, “那可怎么得了呀? |
Always a clever diplomatist , he played off one potential enemy of his country against another , and so kept them divided 機敏的外交家總是利用她的國家的潛在的敵人去反對另一敵人,從而使他們相互對立。 |
“ well , you must become a diplomatist ; diplomacy , you know , is something that is not to be acquired ; it is instinctive “嗯,您一定要成為一位外交家,外交辭令,您知道,不是學得的,它是一種本能。 |
I have nothing to complain of , he said . leave off , boris , youre such a diplomatist the world “娜塔莉婭伊利尼什娜待我非常好, ”鮑里斯說道, “我不會訴怨的。 ” |
“ not badly , by any means , “ said the young man ; “ i was born for a diplomatist . “至少還不算太壞, ”那青年說, “我天生是一個外交家。 ” |